The Square Root of Wonderful Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Square Root of Wonderful Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What essentially trigger's Paris to decline his father's offer to leave together?
(a) The color of Philip's face
(b) The tone of Philip's voice
(c) The feeling in Philip's gut
(d) The cold touch of Philip's hand

2. Why is Mollie in seclusion in her room?
(a) She does not believe the truth
(b) She is depressed
(c) She is paralyzed with grief
(d) She is waiting for John

3. What has Philip done to convince Mollie that he loves her?
(a) Everything he can
(b) Become enraged with passion over her
(c) Threatened her
(d) Used his son to get to her

4. What is Philip's rationale for escaping with Paris?
(a) Philip needs to find work
(b) He must prove his is not mad
(c) They need to start over
(d) Nothing else has worked to gain Mollie's love back

5. Why does Philip need Paris to accompany him?
(a) To save him from himself
(b) To make his mother worry
(c) As payback to Mollie
(d) To soothe him from fear

6. What does Mother Lovejoy offer both Mollie and Paris should they ever need it?
(a) An education
(b) A car
(c) A home
(d) Money

7. Where are Paris and his mother moving to?
(a) Brooklyn Heights
(b) New York City
(c) Bronx Village
(d) Brookyn Yard

8. What does Mother Lovejoy have tremendous distaste for in terms of the expression of emotions?
(a) Romantic advances
(b) Confessions in confidence
(c) Personal affection
(d) Casual embraces

9. Where does Philip tell Paris he intends to go with him?
(a) Up north
(b) Out of the country
(c) Somewhere neither of them has been
(d) To the city

10. How does Paris describe the act of suicide?
(a) It is a weak act
(b) It is an act of defeat
(c) It is inevitable for some people
(d) It is an act of courage

11. In what kind of state is Philip when he recalls his boyhood?
(a) Tense
(b) Depressed
(c) Happy
(d) Dream-like

12. What does the state of the furniture in Paris's house make it look like the family is in the throws of?
(a) Refurbishing
(b) Moving
(c) Mourning
(d) Cleaning

13. What are Mother Lovejoy and Sister preparing to do while Mollie is in seclusion?
(a) Preparing to return home
(b) Preparing for the funeral
(c) Preparing the home for funeral guests
(d) Preparing the will and testament paperwork

14. What does Paris confess and confirm that Philip wanted to do with Paris the morning he left?
(a) Take Mollie with him
(b) Take Paris with him
(c) Leave alone
(d) Plot against John

15. What does Mollie feel the new house will do to the relationship she has with John?
(a) Test their strength
(b) Provide an easier life
(c) Help raise Paris
(d) Bring them closer together

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has Mother Lovejoy transfered her affection to now that Philip has passed?

2. What literary device is John's story of his struggle to save the drowning sailor best described as?

3. Who informs Philip that Mollie is prepared to leave?

4. Who serves as the main voice of reason for Mollie during her grief?

5. What is the best word to describe the scene between father and son when it becomes clear that Philip intends to kill himself?

(see the answer keys)

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