Spin Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Spin Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is traveling at night getting more dangerous?

2. Who does Simon finally talk to on the phone?

3. What happens to Wun after returning to Florida?

4. Where does the freighter take Diane and Tyler?

5. Why does Tyler give Jason a heavier dose of medicine?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Tyler, Diane and others are waiting to leave what happens?

2. What does Wun tell Tyler about a possible cure for Jason?

3. What does Wun say about the replicator technology and why it might be helpful?

4. How does Tyler and Diane escape from Condon's ranch?

5. What does Simon tell Tyler about Diane when Tyler arrives at Condon's ranch?

6. How is Jason's health, what does he ask Tyler to do and how does Tyler respond?

7. What happens when Tyler rides along with Wun in a convoy that takes them to Perihelion?

8. What happens shortly after the Spin membrane is gone?

9. What does Jason tell Tyler about the Martian ambassador, conditions on Mars and why he was sent?

10. What does Tyler wonder about Diane and how does she respond?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Cultural norms typically change fairly slowly, though inexorbitably over generations. Sometimes, though, a cataclysmic event will compress change so that it occurs rapidly, sometimes seemingly overnight. Spin is just such an event that spends up change. Discuss the following:

What happens to cultural norms at the time Spin first appears?

Does changes in the culture seem accelerated? Why or why not?

How has the American culture changed over the years from the time Spin first arrives to when Tyler and Diane leave Earth?

Essay Topic 2

Science fiction, though fiction, has a marvelous way of sometimes heralding the future. Much of what was written as "science fiction" in the 1940s and 1950s is now reality. Discuss the following:

What in Spin do you think could become a reality in the future? Why?

Do you think human beings create a future reality by envisioning it in the present? Why or why not?

If humans do indeed create reality in the future by envisioning it in the present, what sort of responsibility does that suggest for present "creators"? Explain.

Essay Topic 3

Jason, Tyler and Diane are in their early teens when Spin first appears around the Earth. Discuss one of the following:

How does Jason deal with Spin when it first occurs and as an adult? Is his response mentally healthy? Courageous? Emotional, intellectual or both? Explain with examples.

How does Tyler deal with Spin when it first occurs and as an adult? Is his response mentally healthy? Courageous? Emotional, intellectual or both? Explain with examples.

How does Diane deal with Spin when it first occurs and as an adult? Is his response mentally healthy? Courageous? Emotional, intellectual or both? Explain with examples.

(see the answer keys)

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