Spin Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Spin Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tips off E.D. on the state of Jason's health?

2. Who requests help from Tyler?

3. How does Tyler convince the motel manager to let him spend the night there?

4. Where does Tyler go after taking Wu to the Grand Canyon?

5. Where does the freighter take Diane and Tyler?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Wun tell Tyler about a possible cure for Jason?

2. What does Simon tell Tyler about Diane when Tyler arrives at Condon's ranch?

3. What does Jason tell Tyler about the Martian ambassador, conditions on Mars and why he was sent?

4. How is Jason's health, what does he ask Tyler to do and how does Tyler respond?

5. What is in the envelope Tyler received after from Jason after he died? Why did Jason leave him the envelope?

6. Where do Diane and Tyler go at the end of the book? What was the ultimate purpose of the Spin membrane?

7. What does Tyler wonder about Diane and how does she respond?

8. What does Tyler say might be the Hypotheticals motivation as far as the Spin goes?

9. What happens in the summer with the sky and why does Simon call Tyler? How does Tyler respond?

10. As Tyler, Diane and others are waiting to leave what happens?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Once some scientists begin to understand the properties of Spin, it is evident that time flows differently inside versus outside of the Spin membrane. Discuss the following:

Compare the properties of time between the inside and outside of Spin.

From the perspective of time, what are the advantages of living inside Spin? The disadvantages?

From the perspective of time, what are the advantages of living outside Spin? The disadvantages.

What do you think it says about the nature of time in that it seems to flow differently inside of Spin versus on the outside?

Essay Topic 2

Many books are written not just to entertain, but also because the author wants readers to think about one or more themes or issues. Discuss one of the following:

Follow the theme of fanaticism and analyze it thoroughly throughout the text, using specific examples.

Follow the theme of environmental responsibility and analyze it thoroughly throughout the text, using specific examples.

Discuss what might be the author's agenda in writing Spin, giving examples from the text and relating it to the "real" world.

Essay Topic 3

Manipulation occurs on both a small scale, i.e., one person to another and on a grand scale, i.e., thousands being manipulated by a small cadre of powerful people. Discuss one the following:

Discuss a "small-scale" manipulation, i.e., how one character manipulates another character. Give specific examples and analyze motives.

Discuss a "large-scale" manipulation, i.e., how a one person or a small group of persons manipulates hundreds/thousands/millions of others . Give specific examples and analyze motives.

Compare and contrast a "real" life example of large-scale manipulation to an example of it in Spin.

(see the answer keys)

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