Speed-the-Plow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Speed-the-Plow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Fox compares the movie business to what?
(a) A young girl.
(b) The four seasons.
(c) A new love affair.
(d) A dying flower.

2. What does the secretary ask about the film with Doug Brown?
(a) If it's costly to make.
(b) If it's good.
(c) If there is a part for her.
(d) If Gould likes it.

3. What does Gould think Fox should get for bringing the film to his studio?
(a) A bump.
(b) A trailer.
(c) An office.
(d) A job.

4. Gould pretends those who aren't happy in film are the ones who are what?
(a) Film reviewers.
(b) Drunks.
(c) Slaves to commerce.
(d) Bankers.

5. What type of film credit does Gould promise Fox?
(a) Actor.
(b) Line producer.
(c) Writer.
(d) Co-producer.

6. How many things does Gould claim to have learned in the film industry?
(a) Nothing at all.
(b) Two in twenty years.
(c) Five in five years.
(d) Everything known to man.

7. Gould claims the gods do what to make people mad?
(a) Deny their wishes.
(b) Cause famine and war.
(c) Answer their prayers.
(d) Show them the door.

8. Why does Ross cancel the meeting with Fox?
(a) He doesn't like Fox's script.
(b) He's been called out of town.
(c) For fun.
(d) He doesn't like Fox's reputation.

9. Before they leave for lunch, Gould tells Fox he is being rewarded now, for what?
(a) Being a loyal friend.
(b) Eating crud for eleven years.
(c) Bringing him a money maker.
(d) Trusting in Gould for ten years.

10. When is Fox's deadline to make a deal with Ross?
(a) He doesn't have one.
(b) The next day, 10 a.m.
(c) One week.
(d) That day, 5 p.m.

11. Gould claims Fox has brought him what, in the form of the film?
(a) A hit.
(b) A stinker.
(c) Gold.
(d) Trouble.

12. At the beginning of Act One, Gould feels everyone in town wants what?
(a) His head on a platter.
(b) To promote him.
(c) His wife.
(d) To humiliate him.

13. What is does "green light" mean in the film business?
(a) It's code for money.
(b) Use a certain type of lighting on set.
(c) To approve a film for production.
(d) Halt production immediately.

14. Why does Gould insist on meeting with Ross instead of calling him?
(a) So Fox can have some face time.
(b) For fun.
(c) Ross makes Gould laugh.
(d) To delay the greenlight.

15. Where do Gould and Fox go to lunch?
(a) Musso and Frank's.
(b) Real Food Daily.
(c) The Coventry.
(d) The Ivy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fox compare the substance of his movies to?

2. At the beginning of Act One, who is the head of the studio?

3. Prior to the pitch meeting, Fox expresses concern Gould will do what with the prison film?

4. What clutters the opening scene?

5. Fox quotes who from the Bible?

(see the answer keys)

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