Sophie & Carter Test | Final Test - Easy

Chelsea Fine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sophie & Carter Test | Final Test - Easy

Chelsea Fine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Pete's occupation?
(a) Pimp.
(b) Counsellor.
(c) Manager.
(d) Teacher.

2. What is the name of Sophie's ex boyfriend?
(a) Ethan.
(b) Evan.
(c) Eric.
(d) Emmett.

3. Where did Carter always want to run away to?
(a) Hollywood.
(b) New York.
(c) Paris.
(d) Las Vegas.

4. Which of these is something else Sophie's mother gets confused about when Sophie talks to her?
(a) Where she lives.
(b) How old Sophie is.
(c) What her job is.
(d) How Sophie found her.

5. What does Carter realize when he hears Sophie talking to his mother?
(a) She trusts him.
(b) She forgives him.
(c) She knows him.
(d) She loves him.

6. Why is Carter so upset when he tells Sophie he loves her?
(a) He isn't sure if he means it.
(b) He didn't mean to say it.
(c) She doesn't say it back.
(d) She seems upset about it.

7. Why doe Sophie ask Carter to drive her somewhere?
(a) She knows it will be dangerous.
(b) She needs some money.
(c) She doesn't have a car.
(d) She needs time alone with Carter.

8. How does Sophie watch for Carter the night she tells him she loves him?
(a) She sits in his kitchen.
(b) She looks for his car.
(c) She waits on the swing.
(d) She watches his window.

9. How does Sophie contact Pete?
(a) She e-mails him.
(b) She texts him.
(c) She writes him.
(d) She calls him.

10. What does Sophie realize as she calms down Carter's mother?
(a) Carter's mother is crazy.
(b) She can help Carter's mother.
(c) She loves Carter.
(d) Carter loves her.

11. What makes it hard for Carter to leave his house at times?
(a) His fear about his father.
(b) His mother's illness.
(c) His illness.
(d) His work schedule.

12. Where does Sophie need Carter to drive her?
(a) A dance club.
(b) A bank.
(c) A school.
(d) A meeting house.

13. How much money does Sophie's mother give Sophie when she finds her?
(a) $3,000.
(b) $1,000.
(c) $300.
(d) $100.

14. Why is Sophie surprised by the money her mother gives her?
(a) It is not enough.
(b) It is more than she has ever had.
(c) She is grateful.
(d) She didn't ask for it.

15. What word does Carter use to describe Sophie's ex boyfriend?
(a) Simple.
(b) Preppy.
(c) Popular.
(d) Jock.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Sophie and Carter used to do in the dark?

2. How does Sophie feel when she learns that Carter can't come over the night she plans to tell him she loves him?

3. What kind of person does Carter say Sophie needs?

4. How does Sophie feel when Carter says he loves her?

5. What bothers Sophie about her mother's friend at the club?

(see the answer keys)

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