Songs of the Humpback Whale Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Songs of the Humpback Whale Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what was Sam fascinated when he was a child?
(a) His mother's broken gramophone.
(b) His brother's broken gramophone.
(c) His sister's broken gramophone.
(d) His father's broken gramophone.

2. On the highway between the Grand Canyon and Salt Lake City, who does Jane race against?
(a) Oliver.
(b) A semi-truck.
(c) The Oscar Mayer wiener mobile.
(d) Time.

3. How are Jane and Rebecca's roles reversed?
(a) Jane whines about Sam's rudeness while Rebecca reminds her that they arrived uninvited.
(b) Jane whines about Hadley's rudeness while Rebecca reminds her that they arrived uninvited.
(c) Rebecca whines about Hadley's rudeness while Jane reminds her that they arrived uninvited.
(d) Rebecca whines about Sam's rudeness while Jane reminds her that they arrived uninvited.

4. While he waits in his hotel room, about what does he think?
(a) His work.
(b) His family.
(c) Whales.
(d) The waitress.

5. Where does Oliver's car run out of gas?
(a) In Carefree, Arizona.
(b) In Fancyfree, Kansas.
(c) In Happy, Nebraska.
(d) In Content, Colorado.

6. What happens when Sam follows Jane to apologize?
(a) They ignore each other.
(b) They shake hands in a truce.
(c) They fight.
(d) They continue to argue.

7. Where does Jane act as a dutiful wife?
(a) At fundraisers for the San Diego Center for Coastal Studies.
(b) At all times.
(c) At school and out to dinner with guests.
(d) At board meetings and public functions.

8. What does Hadley do with Rebecca when she arrives at his mother's home?
(a) He introduces her to his mother.
(b) He hides her in his room.
(c) He hides her in a shed.
(d) He hides her from his mother by packing supplies and hiking with Rebecca to a campsite on Mt. Deception behind his house.

9. When the orchard suffered a parasite causing loss of half of the crop when Sam was fourteen, how did he comfort himself?
(a) By learning to fix appliances.
(b) By learning how to sing.
(c) By learning about electronics.
(d) By learning how to play music.

10. In his instructions for the next leg of the journey, where does Joley direct Jane?
(a) To Lincoln.
(b) To Salt Lake City.
(c) To Las Vegas.
(d) To Denver.

11. How long do Jane and Oliver date before they make love?
(a) Two years.
(b) Four years.
(c) Three years.
(d) Five years.

12. Rebecca spies on Sam and Jane who are where?
(a) In a rowboat kissing.
(b) In a canoe talking.
(c) In a tent kissing.
(d) In the pond swimming.

13. What does Sam use to maintain a more natural environment?
(a) Insects and bacteria to kill pests.
(b) No power tools.
(c) Organic growing techniques.
(d) Sheep and pesticides with lower toxicity.

14. Does Oliver believe that Jane will take Rebecca out of the country by plane?
(a) Yes.
(b) Not right away.
(c) Maybe.
(d) No.

15. Where does Jane long to be?
(a) On a sunny beach.
(b) Back in college.
(c) With someone else.
(d) Back in the early years of their marriage when Oliver spoke to her about his discoveries.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Joley say when she tells him about leaving Oliver?

2. In his second letter to Jane, about what does Joley write?

3. What does Jane remember about the day before her wedding?

4. Where does Oliver long to be?

5. Jane and Rebecca arrive at Hansen's orchard and look for who?

(see the answer keys)

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