Someone Knows My Name Test | Final Test - Medium

Lawrence Hill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Someone Knows My Name Test | Final Test - Medium

Lawrence Hill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the abolitionists tells Meena that he wants to write her life story in Book Four, Chapter 21?
(a) John Clarkson.
(b) William Armstrong.
(c) Thomas Clarkson.
(d) Sir Stanley Hastings.

2. Who runs the port at Bance Island and introduces Meena to the traders who might act as guides inland for her in Book Four, Chapter 19?
(a) King Jimmy.
(b) Scott Wilson.
(c) William Armstrong.
(d) Theo McArdle.

3. What kind of business is Alverna Witherspoon’s husband said to run in Book Three, Chapter 15?
(a) A print shop.
(b) A whaling business.
(c) A gold mining business.
(d) A trapping business.

4. Who tells Meena in Book Three, Chapter 13 that her service is required by His Majesty the King?
(a) Alverna Witherspoon.
(b) Scott Wilson.
(c) Colonel Baker.
(d) William Armstrong.

5. What is the title of Book Three, Chapter 15?
(a) They Come and Go from Holy Ground.
(b) The Shape of Africa.
(c) Nations Not So Blest as Thee.
(d) My Children were Like Phantom Limbs.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many passengers on Meena’s ship die on the voyage to Africa in Book Four, Chapter 17?

2. Who is the governor of New York that Solomon has prepared a letter for in Book Three, Chapter 12?

3. Who is the Temne woman that tells Meena that the blacks in Meena’s colony are perceived by other Africans as "toubabu with black faces” in Book Four, Chapter 17?

4. In what year does Book Four, Chapter 21 begin?

5. Who is the Temne chief that sends canoes out to the Sierra Leone fleet to bring the passengers ashore in Book Four, Chapter 17?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whom does Meena meet at Bance Island in Book Four, Chapter 19? What discovery does Meena make about her past here?

2. Why does Sam tell Meena to make a break for freedom when he does in Book Three, Chapter 12?

3. What does Meena encounter when she goes to the Land Registry Office in Book Three, Chapter 14?

4. How is Meena regarded by the white residents in the town where she’s arrived in Book Three, Chapter 14?

5. What does Mr. Witherspoon predict about the settlement at Shelburne in Book Three, Chapter 15?

6. How is Sam Fraunces described when he is introduced in Book Three, Chapter 12? What exchange takes place between Sam and Meena at the hotel desk?

7. How much money does Meena give to the visitor at Daddy Moses’ chapel in Book Three, Chapter 16? What story does this character relate upon his return?

8. Who meets Meena in Gravesend once she’s arrived in England in Book Four, Chapter 21? Where is Meena taken first?

9. When does Meena read the peace treaty agreement from the British in Book Three, Chapter 13? What information is revealed?

10. Where is Meena taken after she has recovered from the worst of her illness in the village in Book Four, Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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