Someone Knows My Name Test | Final Test - Easy

Lawrence Hill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Someone Knows My Name Test | Final Test - Easy

Lawrence Hill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what location is Book Three, Chapter 11 set?
(a) Bayo.
(b) Kinta
(c) London.
(d) )Freetown.

2. In what newspaper does Meena first see the notice from the Sierra Leone Company for free resettlement in Africa in Book Three, Chapter 16?
(a) The New York Times.
(b) The Royal Gazette.
(c) The London Times.
(d) The Chicago Tribune.

3. What is the name of the black community where Meena lives in Nova Scotia?
(a) Charlotte.
(b) Freetown.
(c) Shelburne.
(d) Birchtown.

4. Whom does Meena untie after he’s been assaulted by whites on the road to Shelburne in Book Three, Chapter 15?
(a) Jason.
(b) Samuel.
(c) Jimbo.
(d) King Jimmy.

5. Where was Sam, the proprietor of the hotel, born and raised, according to the narrator in Book Three, Chapter 12?
(a) South Carolina.
(b) Trinidad.
(c) Cuba.
(d) Jamaica.

6. How many years ago does Thomas Peters say he ran from the man who owned him in North Carolina in Book Three, Chapter 16?
(a) 7.
(b) 12.
(c) 5.
(d) 14.

7. Whom does Meena describe attending a church service with in Book Three, Chapter 11?
(a) Alverna Witherspoon.
(b) Sir Stanley Hastings.
(c) Solomon Lindo.
(d) Daddy Moses.

8. What name does Meena give her daughter in Book Three, Chapter 15?
(a) Georgia.
(b) Sanu.
(c) May.
(d) Tala.

9. What does John Clarkson tell the Nova Scotians they will name their colony in Sierra Leone in Book Four, Chapter 17?
(a) Liberia.
(b) Freetown.
(c) Sierra.
(d) Capetown.

10. Who is the village chief in the village where Meena recovers after fleeing from the slave-traders in Book Four, Chapter 20?
(a) Alassane.
(b) Youssouf.
(c) Mamadu.
(d) Nyeba.

11. Who appears in court to demand a claim on Meena in Book Three, Chapter 13?
(a) Robinson Appleby.
(b) George Washington.
(c) Colonel Baker.
(d) Sam Fraunces.

12. Where is the Joseph departing for when it leaves New York in Book Three, Chapter 13?
(a) Annapolis Royal.
(b) Birchtown.
(c) Sierra Leone.
(d) Shelburne.

13. What is the title of the book Dr. Falconbridge wrote about his experiences as a surgeon on slave-ships?
(a) Slave Trading in the Old South.
(b) The House of Bondage, or, Charlotte Brooks and Other Slaves.
(c) To Purge this Land with Blood.
(d) An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa.

14. How much does Sam start out paying Meena per week when she begins working for him in Book Three, Chapter 12?
(a) 2 shillings.
(b) 1 shilling.
(c) 5 shillings.
(d) 7 shillings.

15. How many years has it been since Meena first visited Bance Island and met William Armstrong in the beginning of Book Four, Chapter 20?
(a) 3.
(b) 6.
(c) 8.
(d) 5.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the village where the slave-trader tells his workers he intends to sell Meena in Book Four, Chapter 20?

2. Who is the former slave author that Dr. Falconbridge’s wife suggests Meena write an autobiography like in Book Four, Chapter 18?

3. When does the narrator say the British cut off provisions to the colony in Nova Scotia in Book Three, Chapter 15?

4. Who is the young black woman that Meena sees in the crowd as she approaches Buckingham Palace for her tea with the King in Book Four, Chapter 21?

5. What is the name of the black cellist that Meena and Solomon Lindo go to see in concert in Book Three, Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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