Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Kaname think he should attend the show in Chapter 1?
(a) To show familiar respect to his father-in-law.
(b) The show has been getting good reviews.
(c) The show is closing soon.
(d) He wants to please his wife.

2. In Chapter 6, what does Hiroshi imagine Takanatsu telling him on the train?
(a) That Hiroshi's father is dying.
(b) That Hiroshi's mother has moved away.
(c) That Hiroshi can never return home.
(d) That Hiroshi is to blame for his parents' troubles.

3. How do Misako and Kaname travel to the theater for the show?
(a) In their car.
(b) By train.
(c) On a bus.
(d) In a taxi.

4. What has Hiroshi heard about male dogs?
(a) That they easily get lonely.
(b) That they don't fight with female dogs.
(c) That they live longer than females.
(d) That they are dangerous around children.

5. What decade does "Some Prefer Nettles" take place in?
(a) 1950s.
(b) 1940s.
(c) 1930s.
(d) 1960s.

6. What is Kaname looking for in the book he is reading in Chapter 6?
(a) Dirty stories.
(b) The spot where he left off.
(c) A note he wrote on one page.
(d) A favorite passage.

7. In Chapter 5, where do Kaname and Takanatsu go together?
(a) A restaurant.
(b) A newspaper stand.
(c) A tobacco shop.
(d) A cafe.

8. Where does Takanatsu offer to take Hiroshi for a few days?
(a) Hong Kong.
(b) Hokkaido.
(c) Okinawa.
(d) Tokyo.

9. How does Misako describe herself when she is with Aso?
(a) As a wicked woman.
(b) As lost.
(c) As happy and natural.
(d) As pretending to be someone she is not.

10. In Chapter 1, on what grounds does Misako say she will attend the show?
(a) If the weather improves.
(b) If Kaname does.
(c) If they go to dinner afterward.
(d) If she can find a babysitter.

11. What does Takanatsu offer to do for Kaname in Chapter 5?
(a) Speak to Hiroshi.
(b) Recommend a lawyer.
(c) Let Kaname stay at his house.
(d) Speak to his father-in-law.

12. What does Misako expect to happen when news of her divorce comes out?
(a) Hiroshi will turn against her.
(b) He father will invite her to live with him.
(c) She will have to move to another neighborhood.
(d) Rumors will spread about her.

13. When does Misako note she and Kaname get along much better?
(a) When they focus their attention on Hiroshi.
(b) When they don't set expectations for each other.
(c) When they are honest about their feelings.
(d) When they don't have to pretend to be a proper married couple.

14. What did Takanatsu's wife do before she married?
(a) She was an actress.
(b) She was a shop keeper.
(c) She was a translator.
(d) She was a courtesan.

15. In Chapter 5, what does Kaname realize he has been looking for for his entire marriage?
(a) Another woman to replace Misako.
(b) A way out of the marriage.
(c) A way to connect with Misako.
(d) A sign that Misako is proud of him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What style does the music and theater of Osaka follow?

2. What season is it in Chapter 6?

3. What is Kaname moved by in the next act of the puppet show in Chapter 3?

4. What does Misako think of her father's mistress?

5. What does Takanatsu think Kaname should tell Hiroshi about his parents' marriage?

(see the answer keys)

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