Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Aso?
(a) Kaname's employer.
(b) Misako's boyfriend.
(c) Misako's cousin.
(d) The babysitter.

2. Why is Misako happy Takanatsu is taking Hiroshi away for a few days?
(a) Hiroshi hasn't had much fun lately.
(b) She can find out how well she can cope without Hiroshi.
(c) She wants Hiroshi to experience life in Tokyo.
(d) She wants a few days of quiet.

3. In Chapter 5, where do Kaname and Takanatsu go together?
(a) A cafe.
(b) A tobacco shop.
(c) A newspaper stand.
(d) A restaurant.

4. Why does Misako follow Takanatsu to his room in Chapter 7?
(a) To look at a book.
(b) To receive a souvenir.
(c) To show him how to open the window.
(d) To collect his laundry.

5. What did Takanatsu's wife do before she married?
(a) She was a courtesan.
(b) She was an actress.
(c) She was a translator.
(d) She was a shop keeper.

6. What is Kaname worried about facing if he gets divorced at the wrong time?
(a) The loss of his son's admiration.
(b) A lonely winter.
(c) A demotion at work.
(d) Misako's angry father.

7. What does Kaname say would make it much easier for him to leave Misako?
(a) If her father was dead.
(b) If they didn't have a child.
(c) If he was a rich man.
(d) If she was a loose woman.

8. When does Misako note she and Kaname get along much better?
(a) When they are honest about their feelings.
(b) When they focus their attention on Hiroshi.
(c) When they don't have to pretend to be a proper married couple.
(d) When they don't set expectations for each other.

9. What grade is Kaname and Misako's son in?
(a) Fifth grade.
(b) Sixth grade.
(c) Fourth grade.
(d) Second grade.

10. How does Misako describe marriage?
(a) As different than anyone expects.
(b) As an oppressive ritual.
(c) As a sense of security.
(d) As an outdated institution.

11. What is Kaname moved by in the next act of the puppet show in Chapter 3?
(a) The strained relationship of a father and son.
(b) The death of a family pet.
(c) The pain of a neglected wife.
(d) The pressures put on a family's eldest son.

12. What does Misako comment Kaname always likes in Chapter 6?
(a) Something new.
(b) Antique things.
(c) Things that remind him of childhood.
(d) Western things.

13. What does Kaname think Misako would rather do than attend the show in Chapter 1?
(a) See her boyfriend.
(b) Work in her garden.
(c) Go shopping.
(d) Stay home and relax.

14. What breed is Kaname's dog?
(a) Shiba inu.
(b) Collie.
(c) Dalmatian.
(d) Terrier.

15. What is Kaname looking for in the book he is reading in Chapter 6?
(a) A note he wrote on one page.
(b) Dirty stories.
(c) The spot where he left off.
(d) A favorite passage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the weather like in Chapter 6?

2. What does Misako say she is incapable of when she is alone with her husband?

3. How does Kaname think of Tokyoites in comparison to Osakans?

4. What does Misako say Aso hates in Chapter 6?

5. What does Misako try not to do in the booth at the theater?

(see the answer keys)

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