Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Some Prefer Nettles Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has it been since Misako had a good night of sleep?
(a) Three months.
(b) Weeks.
(c) A year.
(d) Five days.

2. What do Kaname and Takanatsu agree on in reference to Kaname's and Misako's personalities?
(a) They are optimists.
(b) They don't think before they act.
(c) They are procrastinators.
(d) They are naive.

3. What has Hiroshi heard about male dogs?
(a) That they easily get lonely.
(b) That they are dangerous around children.
(c) That they don't fight with female dogs.
(d) That they live longer than females.

4. Worried about going with Takanatsu, what excuse does Hiroshi use to excuse himself from the trip?
(a) He has been feeling unwell.
(b) He has homework to do.
(c) He made a promise to visit a friend.
(d) He doesn't want to leave his dog.

5. Why is Misako happy Takanatsu is taking Hiroshi away for a few days?
(a) She can find out how well she can cope without Hiroshi.
(b) She wants a few days of quiet.
(c) Hiroshi hasn't had much fun lately.
(d) She wants Hiroshi to experience life in Tokyo.

6. What was Takanatsu's wife's name?
(a) Reiko..
(b) Shizuka.
(c) Yoshiko.
(d) Sachiko.

7. Why does Misako follow Takanatsu to his room in Chapter 7?
(a) To look at a book.
(b) To collect his laundry.
(c) To receive a souvenir.
(d) To show him how to open the window.

8. What does Misako say Aso hates in Chapter 6?
(a) Lying.
(b) Kaname.
(c) Society's rules.
(d) Children.

9. How does Kaname react to the puppet shows?
(a) He is bored by them.
(b) He is riveted by them.
(c) He is offended by them.
(d) He is embarassed by them.

10. What has Aso not promised Misako?
(a) To marry her.
(b) To love her forever.
(c) To have children with her.
(d) To support her.

11. Who is Takanatsu?
(a) Misako's brother.
(b) Kaname's cousin.
(c) Kaname's co-worker.
(d) Hiroshi's schoolmate.

12. What does Kaname acknowledge about his relationship with Misako in Chapter 5?
(a) They are too much alike.
(b) They get along very well.
(c) Their backgrounds are too different.
(d) They were deeply in love when they married.

13. What do Misako and Takanatsu joke about Lindy?
(a) Whether she is a foreign spy.
(b) Whether she is prettier than Misako.
(c) Whether other dogs will recognize her as a dog.
(d) Whether Kaname will like her more than his own dog.

14. Where does Aso live?
(a) Hirakata.
(b) Meguro.
(c) Suma.
(d) Chofu.

15. What is Kaname looking for in the book he is reading in Chapter 6?
(a) A favorite passage.
(b) The spot where he left off.
(c) A note he wrote on one page.
(d) Dirty stories.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 6, what does Hiroshi imagine Takanatsu telling him on the train?

2. What did Kaname's father do for a living?

3. What does Misako say she is incapable of when she is alone with her husband?

4. What does Takanatsu urge Kaname to do in Chapter 4?

5. How does Hiroshi amuse his father and Takanatsu in Chapter 4?

(see the answer keys)

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