Snow Country Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Snow Country Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Komako's feelings about visiting the cemetery?
(a) Komako is agreeable to going.
(b) Komako is unwilling to go.
(c) Komako is indifferent about going.
(d) Komako is relieved to finally go.

2. Where does Shimamura learn that Yoko is working?
(a) At the candy shop.
(b) At the hospital.
(c) At a geisha house.
(d) At the inn.

3. At the festival at night, what does Shimamura say is different in the resort town than in Tokyo?
(a) The spirit of the people.
(b) The air.
(c) The music.
(d) The stars.

4. What is the purpose of the town's February festival?
(a) To welcome the new year.
(b) To bless local wildlife.
(c) To ward off evil.
(d) To usher in spring.

5. What reason does Shimamura give Komako for his third visit to the resort town?
(a) Shimamura is there to see Komako.
(b) Shimamura was called to the area by a sick friend.
(c) Shimamura needed to get away from home.
(d) Shimamura is visiting the hotsprings for his health.

6. What promise does Komako say Shimamura broke with her?
(a) To never come back to the resort town.
(b) To write her letters.
(c) To visit her on February fourteenth.
(d) To leave his wife.

7. When Komako comes to Shimamura's room drunk, what does she ask him to cut for her?
(a) Her tangled hair.
(b) A knotted sash.
(c) The strings supporting her hair.
(d) A piece of bread.

8. What does Shimamura wonder about when he's on the train?
(a) Whether the train will reach Tokyo on time
(b) Whether the weather will stay clear.
(c) Whether Yukio is dead.
(d) Whether Yoko loves Yukio.

9. After working for a year, how much of her geisha-service contract does Komako say she has already paid off?
(a) All of it.
(b) Half of it.
(c) Three-quarters of it.
(d) None of it.

10. Why does Komako say she has come to Shimamura's room?
(a) Because she feels comfortable there.
(b) Because she forgot something there.
(c) Because she missed Shimamura.
(d) Because she promised to.

11. When Yoko is sent to Shimamura's room a second time, where does Yoko tell him she intends to go?
(a) Fukuoka.
(b) Tokyo.
(c) Osaka.
(d) Kyoto.

12. On Shimamura's third visit to the resort town, what food is the innkeeper's wife warming when he arrives at the inn?
(a) Miso soup.
(b) Beef steak.
(c) Long cakes.
(d) Rice cakes.

13. How many geisha serve the thirty guests of the party that Komako works at?
(a) Three.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Ten.
(d) Six.

14. What do children build out of snow during the February festival?
(a) People.
(b) Birds.
(c) Dragons.
(d) A snow palace.

15. Who says Shimamura asks questions he has no business asking?
(a) Shimamura's wife.
(b) Yoko.
(c) Kikuyu.
(d) Komako.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Komako have for saying she hates people from Tokyo?

2. Which of Yoko's features is Komako certain Shimamura likes?

3. What does Shimamura's wife warn him about the season?

4. At night with Shimamura, who does Komako say spend all of their time at the cemetery?

5. What does Komoko say a woman on her own can always do?

(see the answer keys)

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