The Sleep of Reason Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sleep of Reason Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Leocadia suggest that horrifies Gumersinda?

2. What time is Father Duaso to attend King Ferdinand?

3. Why does Goya think Leocadia wants to go to France?

4. How old is Leocadia's son Guillermo?

5. What sound annoys Goya as he tries to paint?

Short Essay Questions

1. Father Duaso uses a word to describe Goya that seems entirely out of character with the Goya depicted in this play when he tells King Ferdinand that Goya seems "inoffensive" and "tranquil." What possible motive might Father Duaso have for such a description?

2. What quality does Father Duaso display when questioned by King Ferdinand about Goya?

3. What does Dr. Arrieta infer from Father Duaso's statement that they cannot visit Goya until after 8:00?

4. What has Goya done with his property that alarms Leocadia?

5. What does Mariquita's voice represent in Goya's mind in Part 2, Scene 2?

6. What did Goya see Leocadia doing behind his back?

7. What is revealed in Part 1, Scene 1 about how King Ferdinand deals with his enemies?

8. The imaginary figures that torment Goya say they do so in the name of the priest from Tamajon. Who is the priest from Tamajon?

9. In what has Goya defied King Ferdinand?

10. Why do you think Father Duaso doesn't tell Dr. Arrieta that King Ferdinand has forbidden him to visit Goya until after 8:00?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What forces - personal and political - caused Goya to paint the Black Paintings? Do you believe he was motivated more by the chaos in his own mind or the chaos in his country? Do you believe he intended the paintings to be seen by others or not? Support your thesis with evidence from the play.

Essay Topic 2

Jews have more than once been held accountable for problems in countries where they reside. Russia, Germany, and other countries have persecuted the Jews inside their borders. What is the rationale that led to such persecution? Write an essay detailing your theory and supporting it with research.

Essay Topic 3

This play gives elements of a prolonged confrontation between Goya and King Ferdinand VII. Both characters exhibit strengths and weaknesses. There are many similarities between the two men. In your essay, analyze the elements of their conflict, including the causes and the effect of their disaffection on those around them.

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