The Sleep of Reason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sleep of Reason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dr. Arrieta think Goya should do in Part 2, Scene 3?
(a) Paint the king's portrait.
(b) Go into hiding.
(c) Apologize to the king.
(d) Leave the country.

2. What does King Ferdinand insist Goya must do without any reassurance that the king has rescinded his decree?
(a) Demonstrate contrition.
(b) Come to the court.
(c) Ask pardon.
(d) Paint King Ferdinand's portrait.

3. What does Goya produce that stops Leocadia from doing more in Part 2, Scene 2?
(a) A love note.
(b) A letter.
(c) A rock with a note around it.
(d) A metal button.

4. in Part 2, Scene 3, how long has it been since Goya wrote to Martin Zapater?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Twenty-two days.
(c) One week.
(d) Seventeen days.

5. in Part 2, Scene 2, what does Goya accuse Leocadia of doing?
(a) Planning a secret departure.
(b) Hiring new servants.
(c) Making a deal with someone.
(d) Buying their safety by selling his paintings.

6. What does Goya learn from Leocadia about the postman?
(a) He hasn't been there yet today.
(b) He is on strike.
(c) He has come twice with urgent messages.
(d) He hasn't come for two days.

7. At the end of Part 2, Scene 3, what does Dr. Arrieta quote Goya as saying?
(a) "The King is a blockhead."
(b) "The sleep of reason produces monsters."
(c) "Spain is being destroyed."
(d) "The King will never bother me."

8. Why is Dr. Arrieta afraid in Part 2, Scene 12?
(a) Someone has painted a cross on Dr. Arrieta's door.
(b) Dr. Arrieta is concerned about the future of Spain.
(c) Dr. Arrieta is worried for Goya's welfare.
(d) Dr. Arrieta has been placed under arrest.

9. What incident at Goya's home does Father Duaso report to King Ferdinand?
(a) Someone painted a cross and wrote the word "heretic" on his door.
(b) Goya painted strange and ugly depictions on the wall.
(c) There was a disagreement between Leocadia and Gumersinda.
(d) Goya had a fight with Leocadia.

10. What question does Father Duaso ask Dr. Arrieta as they leave to visit Goya?
(a) Does Goya know we are coming?
(b) Are those paintings any good?
(c) Is Goya very ill?
(d) Does King Ferdinand know we are going?

11. What news does Dr. Arrieta give Father Duaso in Part 2, Scene 3?
(a) Goya has refused to apologize to King Ferdinand.
(b) Goya's letter to Martin Zapater was intercepted.
(c) Goya is very ill.
(d) Leocadia is very ill.

12. What does King Ferdinand tell Father Duaso to do to convince Goya to ask the king's pardon?
(a) Stress the safety Goya will find in compliance.
(b) Stress King Ferdinand's real affection for Goya.
(c) Stress the joy of King Ferdinand's favor.
(d) Stress the risk Goya is running.

13. Where does Mariquita's voice tell Goya buttons are given as presents?
(a) On the bridge.
(b) In the armory.
(c) In the town.
(d) In the bedroom.

14. Why does Father Duaso says he must intercede for Goya with King Ferdinand?
(a) Goya has asked for his help.
(b) Leocadia has asked for his help.
(c) He has a strong affection for Goya.
(d) Father Duaso's conscience demands that he intercede.

15. What sounds torment Goya as he paints "Witches' Sabbath?"
(a) Cats meowing and owls screeching.
(b) Bats screeching and cats meowing.
(c) Women laughing and owls screeching.
(d) Women laughing and bats screeching.

Short Answer Questions

1. in Part 2, Scene 1, what does Father Duaso offer to do for King Ferdinand?

2. Why does Goya tell Father Duaso he will not ask King Ferdinand's pardon?

3. What else does Goya accuse Leocadia of doing?

4. What tricks is Goya's mind playing on him as he talks with Leocadia?

5. What do the unnamed women's voices suggest that Goya do?

(see the answer keys)

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