The Sleep of Reason Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sleep of Reason Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Leocadia's first lie to Goya?
(a) Mariquita is asleep.
(b) Mariquita is visiting relatives.
(c) Mariquita has gone for a walk.
(d) Mariquita is in the other room.

2. Why was Goya denounced to the Holy Inquisition?
(a) For insulting King Ferdinand.
(b) For living with another man's wife.
(c) For having children out of wedlock.
(d) For painting a nude woman.

3. What sound does it seem to Goya that Gumersinda makes when she talks?
(a) A donkey's bray.
(b) A cat's meow.
(c) A bat's screech.
(d) A hen's cackling.

4. What is King Ferdinand's opinion of Goya after reading the letter?
(a) He is a fool or a brave man.
(b) He is a disgrace to Spain.
(c) He is an enemy to be reckoned with.
(d) He is a genius or an idiot.

5. Who else heard the noise that frightens King Ferdinand?
(a) Nobody.
(b) The guards in the courtyard.
(c) The guards stationed at the door.
(d) Calomarde.

6. What does King Ferdinand think needlework would do for his subjects?
(a) Make them more docile.
(b) Make them more creative.
(c) Make them more interesting.
(d) Make them more disciplined.

7. What does Leocadia want Dr. Arrieta to do?
(a) Persuade Goya to rest more.
(b) Persuade Goya to admit wrongdoing.
(c) Persuade Goya to go to France.
(d) Persuade Goya to apologize to the king.

8. How old is Leocadia's daughter Mariquita?
(a) Nine.
(b) Ten.
(c) Eight.
(d) Eleven.

9. In Part 1, Scene 1, why are King Ferdinand's appointments for tomorrow far apart?
(a) Some participants must attend both meetings.
(b) They must not see each other.
(c) King Ferdinand needs to nap between meetings.
(d) There is a lot to do between meetings.

10. What artifact does Goya keep that is the same as King Ferdinand's?
(a) A pistol.
(b) A sewing basket.
(c) A spyglass.
(d) An apple.

11. How does Goya resolve the controversy between Gumersinda and Leocadia about where to celebrate Christmas?
(a) Goya says he will not celebrate Christmas this year.
(b) Goya says he will not celebrate away from his own home.
(c) Goya says he will celebrate at Gumersinda's home.
(d) Goya says he will celebrate Christmas in France.

12. Why does King Ferdinand dislike Masons?
(a) They are republicans.
(b) They are anarchists.
(c) They have liberal aims.
(d) They have secrets.

13. What advancement has Father Duaso recently received?
(a) He's been made archbishop.
(b) He's been made abbott.
(c) He's been made a cardinal.
(d) He's been made chaplain to King Ferdinand.

14. Who is Vicente Lopez?
(a) A courtier.
(b) King Ferdinand's portraitist.
(c) A Royal Volunteer.
(d) Goya's neighbor.

15. What special effort has Dr. Arrieta made for Goya?
(a) He learned sign language.
(b) He studied art.
(c) He studied phrenology.
(d) He studied psychology.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Goya done with his estate?

2. Why does Gumersinda admonish Leocadia to show no fear to Goya?

3. What is a Comunero?

4. What sound annoys Goya as he tries to paint?

5. In what city does Goya live?

(see the answer keys)

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