Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Baer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Baer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Baer say is United States policy?
(a) Deregulation will solve all problems.
(b) Militarization will ensure peace.
(c) Democracy will solve all problems.
(d) Profit will motivate the economy.

2. Who determines succession in Saudi society?
(a) Elections.
(b) The constitution.
(c) The people.
(d) The senior princes.

3. When was the Muslim Brotherhood founded?
(a) 1948.
(b) 1928.
(c) 1980.
(d) 1968.

4. What was Baer looking into there?
(a) Osama bin Laden's activities.
(b) Khalid Sheikh Muhammad's activities.
(c) Hamad bin Jasim's activities.
(d) Corruption in the Saudi family.

5. What does Baer say would result from free elections in Saudi Arabia?
(a) Black markets and organized crime.
(b) Muslim extremism.
(c) Democratic reforms.
(d) Chaos.

6. Who are the Alawites in Jordan?
(a) Fundamentalist Muslims.
(b) Minority ruling sect.
(c) Militant nationalists.
(d) Terrorists.

7. Baer says the commissions from the Boeing sale of aircraft to Saudi Arabia were used for __________.
(a) Saudi Arabia's socialized healthcare system.
(b) Upgrades and infrastructure improvemenhe explosives to the Saudi army, and rootts.
(c) Bribes.
(d) Overhead for the purchasing agents.

8. Baer says the United States created this political situation in Saudi Arabia with ______________.
(a) Its need to enforce stability in the Middle East.
(b) Its need to export democracy.
(c) Its need to support Israel.
(d) Its need for oil.

9. What was the Muslim Brotherhood's goal?
(a) To reconcile differences between Islam and other religions.
(b) To purify Islam.
(c) To fulfill Islamic prophesies and make a messianic Islam.
(d) To make Islam more open and accepting of other religions.

10. What did Baer find when he was assigned to the CIA's Counter-Terrorism Center?
(a) A treasure trove of information about the Muslim Brotherhood.
(b) Pervasive radicalization of the Middle East.
(c) Extensive ties to Muslim fundamentalists.
(d) Very little information about Sunni fundamentalists.

11. Who is Danny Pearl?
(a) A CIA operative.
(b) Baer's superior.
(c) A reporter.
(d) A U.S. hostage in Pakistan.

12. Who is protecting the status quo in Saudi Arabia?
(a) The Saudi royal family.
(b) The CIA.
(c) Terrorists.
(d) The Saudi people.

13. What did the Muslim Brotherhood try to do to Asad in 1973?
(a) Have him exiled.
(b) Install him in power.
(c) Assassinate him.
(d) Overthrow him.

14. What is the problem of the Saudi economy?
(a) There are not enough tradesmen.
(b) There are not enough managers and technicians.
(c) It cannot absorb the working-age population.
(d) It is growing too quickly for its population.

15. What was the outcome when Abdallah suggested his play to Fahd?
(a) He was denied.
(b) He was exiled.
(c) He was arrested.
(d) His suggestions were accepted.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Baer characterize the Saudis?

2. What happened to the Muslim Brotherhood after reprisals following an assassination attempt in 1954?

3. What did the United States try to bypass after the collapse of the Soviet Union?

4. How did the Royal family try to solve the difference between Abdallah and Fahd?

5. What plot does Baer say he passed along to the CIA?

(see the answer keys)

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