The Slave Dancer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Slave Dancer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What strange thing happens on shore when Jessie gets to the Bight of Benin?
(a) Strong waves prevent them from docking.
(b) The water is infested with sharks.
(c) They strike a coral reef.
(d) The shore is on fire.

2. Which ration does the captain cut for the crew when the wind dies?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Water.
(c) Rum.
(d) Bread.

3. What does Purvis say makes cooks so angry?
(a) The smell.
(b) The salt.
(c) The heat.
(d) The smoke.

4. Who is Jessie?
(a) The narrator's sister.
(b) The narrator.
(c) The narrator's brother.
(d) The antagonist.

5. What was the name of the slave who shooed Jessie away from a window?
(a) Star.
(b) Sun.
(c) Moon.
(d) Sky.

6. What did Purvis say to calm Jessie's fears about his mother?
(a) That his mother asked them to do this.
(b) That he has spoken to his mother.
(c) That his mother knows where he is.
(d) That they will mail a letter to his mother.

7. How old is Jessie when he is put on the ship?
(a) 12.
(b) 15.
(c) 13.
(d) 14.

8. Why is Jessie so hesitant about being on a slave ship?
(a) He is against slavery.
(b) It is illegal.
(c) He does not like slaves.
(d) He has heard strange stories about slaver ships.

9. What causes Jessie to get breathless on the ship at one point?
(a) His fear of the captain.
(b) His desire to be off the ship.
(c) A blow to the head by a sail.
(d) A lack of water.

10. How did Jessie's father die?
(a) Starved.
(b) Drowned.
(c) Was murdered and robbed.
(d) Caught pneumonia.

11. Where is Jessie's bed on the ship?
(a) In the galley.
(b) In the tween decks.
(c) In the forecastle.
(d) In the hold.

12. What does Jessie do to earn money?
(a) Dances.
(b) Sings.
(c) Does odd chores.
(d) Plays a fife.

13. What bent the trees on an island Jessie sees off the ship?
(a) A hurricane.
(b) Prevailing winds.
(c) The slope of the island.
(d) Strong gorillas.

14. What does Sharkey teach Jessie?
(a) To secure a rigging.
(b) To mend a sail.
(c) To climb the ratlines.
(d) To use a compass.

15. Whom does Jessie trust most on the ship?
(a) Sharkey.
(b) Curry.
(c) Stout.
(d) Purvis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Jessie talk to when he is curious about his first sight of the slaves?

2. How long does the ship sit near the land?

3. What stops the quarreling on the ship while in the Bight of Benin?

4. What does the captain use to change the ship's nationality when needed?

5. What does Jessie want to watch the cook do?

(see the answer keys)

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