Skinny Legs and All Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skinny Legs and All Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What part of the belly dancer's body represents the first veil that is removed in her Dance of the Seven Veils?
(a) Stomach.
(b) Throat.
(c) Face.
(d) Pelvic region.

2. Who does Painted Stick strike?
(a) Buddy.
(b) Ellen Cherry.
(c) Turn Around Norman.
(d) Spike.

3. What does Ellen Cherry agree to do that pleases Spike while he's visiting her apartment?
(a) Clean her apron.
(b) Make friends with the belly dancer.
(c) Put her hair in braids.
(d) Try on a pair of shoes.

4. What does the detective see in Ellen Cherry's apartment to make him suspicious?
(a) The check from Ultima.
(b) A painting of Spoon.
(c) A newsclipping about Spike's shooting.
(d) A picture of Buddy.

5. What human emotion does Can 'o Beans say both Carols and Rap are rooted in?
(a) Helplessness.
(b) Faith.
(c) Rejoicing.
(d) Hope.

6. What "grave transgression" does Painted Stick commit?
(a) He strikes a human being.
(b) He abandons the other objects.
(c) He speaks to a human being.
(d) He misleads a human being seeking direction.

7. What painting does Buddy accidentally uncover in Ellen Cherry's apartment?
(a) A nude Boomer with a thousand tongues.
(b) A nude Boomer under a purple elephant.
(c) The objects on a carousel.
(d) Spoon in a bowl of jelly.

8. Why does Buddy say he's glad Boomer is in Jerusalem?
(a) Because he's persuaded him to blow up the Temple Mount.
(b) For his education.
(c) So he can spy on the Jews.
(d) In case he needs him to run an errand or two.

9. What does Buddy call Muslims, Buddhists,and Hindus in light of a third world war?
(a) Cooked goose.
(b) Fried meat.
(c) Leftovers.
(d) Dead as doormice.

10. Who does spoon hit when she falls out of the window of Ellen Cherry's apartment?
(a) Abu.
(b) Ellen Cherry.
(c) Spike.
(d) Raoul.

11. Which goddess is associated with the Dance of the Seven Veils?
(a) The Earth Mother.
(b) Astarte.
(c) The Moon Goddess.
(d) Hera.

12. What surprises Spoon about Painted Stick's reception of her after she rejoins the other objects?
(a) His eager questioning.
(b) His absent mindedness.
(c) He amorous attentions.
(d) His laconic indifference.

13. Why is Ellen Cherry's visit to Ultima a relief?
(a) Ultima sells several more of Ellen Cherry's paintings.
(b) Ultima tells her that the sculptor Boomer is working with is a man.
(c) Ultima reveals that she and Boomer never have an intimate relationship.
(d) Ultima gives her more money from Boomer.

14. Who dies at the end of the Sixth Veil?
(a) Spike.
(b) Patsy.
(c) Ultima.
(d) Verlin.

15. Who convinces Buddy to give up his plans to blow up the Dome of the Rock?
(a) Another evangelical preacher.
(b) The Vice President of the United States.
(c) Spike and Abu.
(d) The Arch Bishop.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gift does Spike give to the I & I ?

2. What does Ellen Cherry decide is the root of Buddy's "hankering for apocalypse"?

3. Where does Ellen Cherry have to go to pick up the money Boomer sends her?

4. What is the bumper sticker slogan that Ellen Cherry and Boomer sees as they are driving across the country?

5. How do the objects manage to escape the church?

(see the answer keys)

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