Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Styles gives the pictures back to the family member, what does the family member begin to do?
(a) Reminisce about life in the family.
(b) Cry about the passed grandfather in the picture.
(c) Leave without paying.
(d) Complain about the quality of the picture.

2. What type of picture does Styles aim to provide for Zwelinzima?
(a) A black and white one.
(b) A memorable one.
(c) The best possible picture.
(d) The most interesting one.

3. Which culture in Part 1 does Styles says effects the South African economy?
(a) Persian.
(b) Romanian.
(c) South African.
(d) British.

4. In what country is this story set?
(a) Bolivia.
(b) South Africa.
(c) Nigeria.
(d) China.

5. What character is Buntu played by?
(a) A white child.
(b) The same character as Styles.
(c) A woman.
(d) A black child.

6. What other piece of contact information does Zwelinzima give to Styles?
(a) His address.
(b) His mother's phone number.
(c) His mother's addres.
(d) His phone number.

7. What is the name of Zwelinzima's wife in Part 2?
(a) Neemi.
(b) Notomo.
(c) Neema.
(d) Noweto.

8. How does Zwelinzima explain the series of happenings that apparently gave him only three days to leave his dwelling?
(a) Each story intertwines deeply into the next.
(b) The stories seem to be lies.
(c) It is basically unexplained.
(d) The stories do not make sense.

9. In the letter being read aloud in Part 2, what does it declare about Sizwe Banzi?
(a) That he is dead.
(b) That he has been injured.
(c) That he is in the hospital.
(d) That he is alive.

10. What does Styles tell the man who is picking up his family photos to do?
(a) He encourages the man to go back to his family.
(b) Tells him not to waste his life.
(c) Tells him to move on with his life.
(d) Tells him to pick up his laundry down the street.

11. What is the main character reading at the opening of the play?
(a) A magazine.
(b) A newspaper.
(c) A letter.
(d) A book.

12. What did the owner of the house do to help the narrator of the letter while he was supposedly living there?
(a) Contact his family.
(b) Find a job.
(c) Work at his house.
(d) Escape the police.

13. What did Styles realized was infested with cockroaches?
(a) The building.
(b) His sink.
(c) His shop.
(d) His bedroom.

14. What was the name of Styles' pet when he first bought the photo shop?
(a) Blackie.
(b) Princess.
(c) Prince.
(d) Copper.

15. According to Styles, convincing his customers to take pictures in a way that is different than they prefer is...
(a) Robbing them of their dreams.
(b) Only understandable.
(c) A collaborative effort.
(d) A very mean thing to do.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was the owner of the car manufacturer plant unable to give the speech he wanted to give?

2. What does Styles shout out for Zwelinzima to imagine he's posing against while getting his picture taken?

3. What did Styles say he had to go through to attain ownership of a building and a business?

4. According to Styles, what happened to his father after he returned home from the war?

5. What does Styles convince Zwelinzima to do in Part 2?

(see the answer keys)

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