Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. At which movie theater does Ouisa say she will meet Paul to take him to the police?

2. To what literary character does Ouisa compare Trent Conway in this section?

3. How much money did Kitty give Paul?

4. What nationality of clients does Ouisa mistakenly she and Flan are schmoozing before Sotheby's?

5. Where does Paul proposition Rick for sex?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The idea of the imagination resonates strongly throughout he play, beginning of course with Paul's "thesis" in the first passages. Write an essay on Guare's understanding of imagination in three parts:

Part 1) Compare Paul's conception of the purpose of imagination in his thesis with what he perceives to be society's new definition of imagination. How are they different? Why does Paul consider the latter reductive?

Paul 2) How doe Ouisa, Flan and Geoffrey react to Paul's thesis on imagination? When Paul appears in Ouisa's imagination later in the play, how does he amend his notion of imagination?

Paul 3) How is what Paul actually does to the families of the play the opposite of his sense of imagination? Is he chipping away at his own personality living in a state of constant deception?

Essay Topic 2

Throughout the play, Paul is something of a sounding board for other people's sense of self. He allows them to see themselves in a better, more idealistic light. Write an essay on Paul's positive interaction with others in three parts:

Part 1) Dr. Fine reconnects with his family and his sense of social good in his meeting with Paul. How does Paul make this possible? How long does this idealism last in the doctor?

Part 2) What is Geoffrey's set understanding of the way of the world at the beginning of the play? How does Paul's visit reinforce Geoffrey's better angels and challenge his sense of complacency?

Part 3) Ouisa is perhaps the most profoundly changed by Paul. In what ways does her one night with him alter her sense of the world? How is she shaken and left discontent by their connection?

Essay Topic 3

Throughout the play, Flanders Kittredge refers to himself as a gambler and an artist. He alternately speaks in praise of money and beauty, but he seems most enamored of his own reputation.

Write an essay on the topic of Flan's conflicted and ultimately incomplete soul. What is his primary objective throughout the play? Why is he so intent on finding Paul? How does he truly view himself, and how does that make him incompatible with Ouisa?

(see the answer keys)

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