Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Ouisa, what liquid are workmen using to clean the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
(a) Fish oil
(b) Water
(c) Vinegar
(d) White wine

2. At the end of their first meeting with their children, Flan protests to Tess that she is not a part of a conspiracy but what?
(a) A relationship
(b) A family
(c) An understanding
(d) A secret

3. What painting does Elizabeth suggest Paul tell Flan he has to give him?
(a) Starry Night
(b) Sunnday on the Grande Jatte
(c) The Ambassadors
(d) The Mona Lisa

4. Which of the following items is not among those Paul stole from Trent when he left?
(a) His skis
(b) His sport jacket
(c) His watch
(d) His printer

5. Who did Paul claim his prostitute was the night he stayed at Kitty and Larkin's?
(a) A delivery boy
(b) A friend from school
(c) A burglar
(d) A homeless person

6. Which of the assembled children in this section takes exception for what he perceives as an unspoken accusation of drug use?
(a) Tess
(b) Doug
(c) Ben
(d) Woody

7. In the second excerpt from This Life that the parents read, what does Poitier warn his readers against doing regarding their children?
(a) Smothering them
(b) Ignoring them
(c) Protecting them
(d) Condescending them

8. What arrives with the flowers that Paul sends the Kittredges?
(a) A cheese basket
(b) A pot of jam
(c) A bottle of champagne
(d) An art print

9. How does Flan characterize himself when explaining his life to Ouisa in this section?
(a) A survivor
(b) An artist
(c) A businessman
(d) A gambler

10. In this section Paul admits that his Salinger speech was lifted from a commencement address at what college?
(a) University of Pennsylvania
(b) Stanford
(c) Groton
(d) Northwestern

11. From what state have Rick and Elizabeth recently moved?
(a) Utah
(b) Iowa
(c) Oklahoma
(d) Kentucky

12. How does Ouisa describe Paul's essential quality to her children in this section?
(a) Enigmatic
(b) Kind
(c) Wild
(d) Cultivated

13. Which of the following terms is not something that Dr. Fine accuses Paul of being?
(a) An imposter
(b) A fraud
(c) A thief
(d) A crack addict

14. Why has Kitty not spoken to her children when she tells Ouisa and Flan their story?
(a) Their children are abroad
(b) They cannot get a call through
(c) Their children refuse to speak with them
(d) They have been in the Hamptons all weekend

15. Which Greek playwright is Ouisa said to have mockingly mentioned after seeing Cats?
(a) Aristophanes
(b) Aeschylus
(c) Sophocles
(d) Euripides

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Rick and Elizabeth do to make money in New York?

2. How many high school friends does Tess estimate were into drugs, gangs, and homosexuality?

3. How did Dr. Fine get a good deal on his brownstone?

4. What nationality of clients does Ouisa mistakenly she and Flan are schmoozing before Sotheby's?

5. How much money does Paul request from Rick and Elizabeth?

(see the answer keys)

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