Six Degrees of Separation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Six Degrees of Separation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Paul's muggers take from him in addition to his wallet?
(a) His keys
(b) His suitcase
(c) His sport coat
(d) His class ring

2. How much money does Flan need to convince Geoffrey to loan him at the beginning of Act 1?
(a) $3,000,000
(b) $500,000
(c) $1,000,000
(d) $2,000,000

3. As Flan describes his dream, he says that he does not treat his painting like what?
(a) Children
(b) Holy relics
(c) Used cars
(d) Peices of meat

4. Who do Ouisa and Flan address in the first half of this section?
(a) The audience
(b) Geoffrey
(c) Each other
(d) God

5. Who does Flan stop Geoffrey from calling in this section?
(a) Paul
(b) Sidney Poitier
(c) Geoffrey's wife
(d) The Japanese

6. What taciturn promise does Paul make the Kittredges and Geoffrey before the latter leaves?
(a) He will pay them back for the shirt
(b) They can have dinner with his father
(c) He will cook for them again sometime
(d) They can be in Cats

7. Which of the following is not an ingredient listed in the dish Paul prepares?
(a) Sun-dried tomatoes
(b) Olives
(c) Tuna Fish
(d) Spinach

8. What does everyone say about the New York Times crossword puzzle, according to Ouisa?
(a) They have never finished the Sunday puzzle
(b) They do it in ink
(c) The Monday puzzle is two easy
(d) It is a waste of time

9. In what city were the Kittredges living when they met Geoffrey?
(a) London
(b) New York
(c) Johannesburg
(d) Rome

10. In the excerpt from Catcher in the Rye that Paul recites, Holden would rather chop off a man's head than what?
(a) Fist-fight him
(b) Die himself
(c) Pretend to be his friend
(d) Shake his hand

11. In what country did Wassily Kandinsky die?
(a) Germany
(b) Russia
(c) America
(d) France

12. What denigrating term does Flan use repeated in reference to the Hustler?
(a) Trash
(b) Thing
(c) Filth
(d) Whore

13. To what mythological figure does Ouisa compare Geoffrey when she describes him?
(a) Jason
(b) Creon
(c) Theseus
(d) Midas

14. Who does Paul jokingly say he will test on Catcher in the Rye?
(a) Flan
(b) Ouisa
(c) Geoffrey
(d) His advisor

15. Who tells Paul to leave the condo in this section?
(a) Ouisa
(b) Flan
(c) The Hustler
(d) No one

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of this section, Ouisa tells Flan that God's name is what?

2. What article of clothing does Flan look at and think of Van Gogh?

3. What movie does Paul mention won Sidney Poitier his only Oscar?

4. What event do the Kittredges have to attend in the morning?

5. What metaphor does Sidney Poitier use to characterize the two American debates on life?

(see the answer keys)

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