Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Sir Orfeo immediately go after hearing that Lady Heurodis is gone?
(a) To the king's castle.
(b) To the tree.
(c) To the river.
(d) To his chamber.

2. What kind of tree does Lady Heurodis fall asleep under?
(a) A powerful tree.
(b) A grafted tree.
(c) A fallen tree.
(d) A weeping tree.

3. What does the narrator of "Pearl" call himself in stanza twenty-one?
(a) Joyless jeweler.
(b) Sorrowful sinner.
(c) Void victim.
(d) Forelorn father.

4. What does Sir Orfeo say has torn Lady Heurodis's face?
(a) Cruel nails.
(b) Heavens hands.
(c) Birds claws.
(d) Maddness.

5. What does Pearl tell the narrator to do while in "weal and woe"?
(a) Fall down and cry.
(b) Cry out in anger.
(c) Pity himself.
(d) Cross himself.

6. What does the Green Knight gather in his limbs as he lifts the axe?
(a) Hope.
(b) Worry.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Lust.

7. What does "the lord" promise Sir Gawain if he goes to the Green Chapel?
(a) That he will be sent away.
(b) That he will be saved by God.
(c) That he will be killed.
(d) That he will be taken prisoner.

8. How wide is the axe that the man emerges from the cave with?
(a) 2 feet.
(b) 3 feet.
(c) 5 feet.
(d) 4 feet.

9. In "Sir Orfeo," what instrument is taken "in delight" to make a lay and "named it right?
(a) Flutes.
(b) Drums.
(c) Harps.
(d) Lyres.

10. What has God chosen Pearl to be?
(a) His bride.
(b) His highest angel.
(c) His daughter.
(d) His keeper.

11. When the Green Knight hesitates at his second blow, what does Sir Gawain call him?
(a) A "lusty coward."
(b) A "lusty man."
(c) A "lusty fiend."
(d) A "coward."

12. What does Sir Gawain ask the Green Knight to "restrain thee to"?
(a) Pride.
(b) Humbleness.
(c) One stroke.
(d) Pity.

13. In stanza ten of "Pearl," what does the narrator say fills the pool?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Reflections of fall.
(c) Withered leaves.
(d) Jewels.

14. What is the first word that Sir Gawain hears as he approaches the chapel?
(a) "Sinner!"
(b) "Stay!"
(c) "Leave!"
(d) "Welcome."

15. To whom does Sir Orfeo give his kingdom to?
(a) His jester.
(b) His daughter.
(c) His son.
(d) His steward.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the king comes to see Lady Heurodis under the tree, what is he crowned with?

2. Where is Sir Orfeo a king?

3. When Sir Gawain finds an old cavern, covered in green patches, who does he say lives there?

4. What color do Pearl's eyes shine?

5. What does the "Pearl" narrator say "was present, I did surmise"?

(see the answer keys)

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