A Simple Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Simple Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Paul spend much of his time?
(a) At home.
(b) In the library.
(c) In the tavern.
(d) At school.

2. What color is Virginie's grave stone?
(a) Yellow.
(b) White.
(c) Pink.
(d) Black.

3. What does Félicité finally die of?
(a) Stroke.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Bronchitis.
(d) Cancer.

4. Why is Félicité nearly run over?
(a) She is trying to rescue Loulou's body, which she dropped crossing the road.
(b) She is too devastated to bother moving.
(c) She trips as she is moving out of the way.
(d) She couldn't hear the coach coming behind her.

5. Why does Félicité run ten miles in her clogs?
(a) To see Virginie at school.
(b) To see Theodore.
(c) To say goodbye to Paul.
(d) To tend to her sister during childbirth.

6. What part of the catechism class does Félicité find beautiful and interesting?
(a) Memorizing the prayers.
(b) Church dogma.
(c) The summary of the Holy Scriptures.
(d) The songs.

7. Who moves to Pont-l'Eveque shortly Virginie dies?
(a) Félicité's family.
(b) The Baron de Larsonniere.
(c) Victor.
(d) Theodore.

8. What does Paul decide to do after he gets a job in the Registry Office?
(a) Move to Germany.
(b) Give up gambling.
(c) Move his mother to the city.
(d) Get married.

9. Whose debts does Mme. Aubain pay off?
(a) Victor's.
(b) M. Bourais'.
(c) Paul's.
(d) Virginie's.

10. Why does Félicité think that her illness makes sense?
(a) Because it is the same illness that Loulou died of.
(b) Because she is ready to die.
(c) Because she had a dream about it.
(d) Because it is the same illness that Mme. Aubain died of.

11. What illness does Virginie acquire?
(a) Pneumonia.
(b) Consumption.
(c) Bronchitis.
(d) Small pox.

12. What do the boys in town do to Colmiche?
(a) Carry him water from the well.
(b) Buy his groceries for him.
(c) Spy on him and throw stones at him.
(d) Call him names and beat him with a stick.

13. What gift does Mme. Aubain receive from Mme. de Larsonniere?
(a) Two laying hens.
(b) A parrot.
(c) A valuable book.
(d) Material.

14. What does Félicité decide to do with Loulou's body?
(a) Has it stuffed.
(b) Cremates it.
(c) Casts it into the ocean.
(d) Buries it.

15. When Mme. Aubain and Félicité walk together, what do they talk about?
(a) Mme. Aubain's childhood.
(b) Virginie.
(c) Mme. Aubain's husband.
(d) Virginie and Paul.

Short Answer Questions

1. What prevents Félicité from being able to see Loulou before her death?

2. How does Félicité meet her Polish suitor?

3. What is Félicité's gift for the Corpus Christi procession?

4. What does Félicité consider doing shortly after she gets Loulou back?

5. How does Fabu feel after Félicité speaks to him?

(see the answer keys)

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