A Simple Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Simple Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of the results of Félicité's increasing deafness?
(a) She can no longer talk to Loulou.
(b) She meets the priest for confession in private.
(c) She begins to lose her balance.
(d) She can no longer work.

2. What task does Félicité perform for Paul?
(a) She packs him a basket of food to take home.
(b) She knits him socks.
(c) She mends his clothes.
(d) She writes at his dictation.

3. What causes Félicité to catch tonsillitis?
(a) Her long search for Loulou.
(b) She contracts it while nursing a sick soldier.
(c) She contracts it from Mme. Aubain.
(d) She is accidentally locked out of the house in a storm.

4. Why does Mme. de Larsonniere give Mme. Aubain a gift?
(a) She hopes Mme. Aubain will befriend her.
(b) She is bribing Mme. Aubain.
(c) She is moving away and can't keep it.
(d) It is Mme. Aubain's birthday.

5. Where does Paul spend much of his time?
(a) At home.
(b) In the tavern.
(c) At school.
(d) In the library.

6. What prevents Félicité from being able to see Loulou before her death?
(a) Her eyes are swollen closed.
(b) Nothing: Loulou is the last thing she sees.
(c) Loulou is on the alter.
(d) She is blind.

7. What is Félicité's response to Virginie receiving her first communion?
(a) She feels angry.
(b) She nearly faints.
(c) She claps her hands.
(d) She regrets never having received communion herself.

8. Who leaves town after Virginie dies?
(a) Paul.
(b) M. Bourais.
(c) Mme. Aubain.
(d) The Polish refugees.

9. Who does Mme. Aubain dream of after Virignie's death?
(a) Paul.
(b) Herself.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her parents.

10. What does Félicité say to Fabu?
(a) She tells him that she leaves him Loulou.
(b) She apologizes for suspecting him of murdering Loulou.
(c) She encourages him to go to confession more frequently.
(d) She thanks him for his kindness to Loulou.

11. After Virginie dies, what does Félicité do every day?
(a) Dusts Virginie's room.
(b) Prays for Virginie in church.
(c) Visits Virginie's grave.
(d) Dreams of her during her afternoon nap.

12. What gift does Mme. Aubain receive from Mme. de Larsonniere?
(a) Material.
(b) Two laying hens.
(c) A parrot.
(d) A valuable book.

13. Why does Félicité feel it is wrong for Mme. Aubain to die before her?
(a) She believes the doctor is guilty of malpractice.
(b) She feels it is unfair of God to take the last person she loves away from her.
(c) She believes servants should die before their masters.
(d) She believes Mme. Aubain has a responsibility to take care of her.

14. What distinctive trait does Félicité develop due to a fit of giddiness?
(a) She develops a hunchback.
(b) She has a nervous twitch.
(c) She drags one leg.
(d) Her head shakes.

15. Who is opposed to the idea of Virginie attending a boarding school?
(a) Mme. Aubain.
(b) Paul.
(c) Virginie.
(d) Félicité.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Fabu feel after Félicité speaks to him?

2. What does Mme. Aubain feel when she is finally able to visit Virginie's grave?

3. Who does Félicité begin to see frequently after Virginie goes away to school?

4. What do Paul's parents tell him to do when he visits Félicité?

5. What does Félicité consider doing shortly after she gets Loulou back?

(see the answer keys)

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