Signs Preceding the End of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Herrera, Yuri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Signs Preceding the End of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Herrera, Yuri
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Makina’s brother say made him confident about taking this job?
(a) The military was the most powerful in the world, and it would bring him back safe.
(b) The amount of money would be life-changing if he got it.
(c) It would hide the shame of having been duped about the land.
(d) Dying in a foreign land wasn’t any worse than starving or being beaten in this one.

2. What does the narrator say had happened to whatever had been in this place previously?
(a) It dried out till it was ash.
(b) It was burned to a cinder.
(c) It was pulled up by its roots.
(d) It was systematically destroyed.

3. What does Makina’s brother say his experience of war mostly consisted of?
(a) Long periods of boredom.
(b) A lot of pointless drilling.
(c) Sustained periods of terror.
(d) Long weeks of technical training.

4. What does Makina’s brother say typically initiated periods of activity for him and his fellow soldiers?
(a) One of his homeys would be shot.
(b) There was no regularity to the periods of activity.
(c) A bomb would be thrown into the compound.
(d) A higher-up would decide it was time for a campaign.

5. Where do Makina and her brother talk when she first finds him?
(a) In the closet.
(b) In the street.
(c) In the hallway.
(d) In the park.

6. What does Makina say people are doing when they combine languages?
(a) Making the world happen anew.
(b) Re-domesticating human experience.
(c) Returning to their roots.
(d) Marrying cultures.

7. What does the woman tell Makina about her brother’s condition when he showed up?
(a) He was broke and angry.
(b) He was proud and standoffish.
(c) He was sick as a dog.
(d) He was confused and homesick.

8. Which statue does Makina need to look for next?
(a) A general on a horse.
(b) An old man thinking.
(c) A bear dancing.
(d) A man in a frock coat.

9. Where is Makina, in her dream, when she is evicted from the ATM booth?
(a) In the eighth circle of hell.
(b) On top of the eighth hill.
(c) In a cave with her brother.
(d) Back in her home.

10. What is the first thing Makina thinks when she sees her brother?
(a) That her brother looks tired.
(b) That this person looks a lot like her brother.
(c) That her brother looks so grown up in uniform.
(d) That her brother should come home with her.

11. What does Makina say she wants to do when the man tells her that the family who lived there moved?
(a) Go home.
(b) Hang herself from a lamp post.
(c) Kill someone.
(d) Go to Europe.

12. What would Makina’s brother keep at the end of the deployment?
(a) The person’s books.
(b) His military gear.
(c) The family’s house.
(d) The person’s identity.

13. What happens when Makina finally arrives at the correct street?
(a) The people there shrug.
(b) No one is there.
(c) There is no such place.
(d) She meets her brother.

14. What is the first soldier Makina meets doing when she asks for her brother?
(a) Talking on the phone.
(b) Reading.
(c) Reviewing a report.
(d) Filing his nails.

15. How does Makina’s brother answer when she asks if he got hurt?
(a) He says that he was wounded badly and has never healed.
(b) He says that he was wounded once and recovered.
(c) He says that he was only ever grazed lightly by shrapnel or bullets.
(d) He says that he did not get a scratch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which suburb does Makina need to visit next?

2. What does Makina do when she realizes she has made a mistake in recognizing her brother?

3. Where does Makina hear a voice she recognizes?

4. Who offered Makina’s brother a job?

5. At what time of day does Makina arrive at the address she is looking for?

(see the answer keys)

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