Shooting an Elephant Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shooting an Elephant Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Orwell, what word best describes Tolstoy's criticisms?
(a) Prejudiced.
(b) Inconsistent.
(c) Obsolete.
(d) Indirect.

2. Why does the narrator hesitate to kill the elephant?
(a) He doesn't want to lose face.
(b) He is afraid of the repercussions from the angry crowd.
(c) It is a large and expensive piece of machinery.
(d) He feels compassion for it.

3. According to Orwell, what were Smith's religious beliefs?
(a) Swift was a firm believer in the necessity of organized religion.
(b) Swift subscribed to his own form of spirituality.
(c) Swift believed in a higher power, but rejected organized religions.
(d) He was not a religious man.

4. What two groups does Orwell name as an example of people for whom Satyagraha would be an ineffective political tool?
(a) The Jews in Nazi Germany, and the Russians under Stalin.
(b) The Kurds under Hussein, and the Jews in Nazi Germany.
(c) The Russians under Stalin, and the Italians under Mussolini.
(d) The Jews in Nazi Germany, and the Burmese under the British Empire.

5. How were the nurses in the hospital described?
(a) Incapable and unsanitary.
(b) Capable, but uncaring.
(c) Compassionate, but incompetent.
(d) The hospital had no nurses, only a few overburdened doctors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What change has occurred for the narrator, in Chapter 3?

2. How does Orwell describe Gandhi's political solutions?

3. How did the narrator leave the hospital?

4. What crucial element of Shakespeare's works does Tolstoy fail to recognize, according to Orwell?

5. According to Orwell, what was Gandhi's youth like?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Orwell say about the sanitation of Hopital X?

2. What scene does Orwell describe as the setting for reading a good murder mystery?

3. What is the meaning of "Satyagraha"?

4. What happens after the prisoner's death?

5. What is Orwell's problem with the use of words like "romantic" or "vitality"?

6. What is Tolstoy's main target in his Shakespearean criticisms, and why?

7. According to the evidence Orwell presents from "Gulliver's Travels", how does Gulliver feel about science?

8. What treatments does Orwell undergo in Hopital X?

9. What flaws are shared by all of the examples of "bad English" that Orwell offers?

10. What pamphlet was the subject of the meeting of the P.E.N. Club that takes place in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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