Shooting an Elephant Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shooting an Elephant Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the Burmese treat the narrator?
(a) They are respectful and grateful to him.
(b) They are openly violent at times.
(c) They harass and insult him whenever they can.
(d) They are respectful to his face, but sneer at him behind his back.

2. What does Orwell mean by the phrase "verbal false limbs"?
(a) Using an incorrect word in place of another.
(b) Unnecessarily turning a word into a phrase.
(c) Adding unnecessary phrases to a sentence.
(d) Unnecessary prefixes and suffixes.

3. How does the elephant die?
(a) It doesn't die, it escapes.
(b) It dies quickly and painlessly.
(c) It kills two people before finally collapsing.
(d) It is shot twice but dies slowly.

4. What does the narrator call the hospital?
(a) "L'hopital du mort."
(b) "Hopital X."
(c) "The Tomb."
(d) "Nurse Ratchet's wing."

5. To Orwell, freedom of the press means the liberty to do what?
(a) Criticize and oppose.
(b) Express personal opinions.
(c) Put a spin on the story, as long as the facts are correct.
(d) Report anything, whether it is true or not.

6. According to Orwell, what political structure fosters great literature?
(a) Totalitarianism.
(b) Communism.
(c) Democracy.
(d) Oligarchy.

7. Why is Orwell skeptical of Gandhi's celibacy and vegetarianism?
(a) Because his reasoning is based on a view that this world is an illusion.
(b) Because Orwell doesn't understand the point of either practice.
(c) Because Orwell believes that Gandhi is lying about his abstinence from sex and meat.
(d) Because Orwell doesn't think that either practice is necessary for political leverage.

8. What does Orwell compare to a "pre-fabricate hen-house"?
(a) Poorly thought-out paragraphs.
(b) Stories with poorly fleshed-out characters.
(c) Sentences made of clichéd phrases.
(d) Works written by more than one author.

9. How do the hospital staff sterilize their equipment between patients?
(a) They use an autoclave.
(b) They don't.
(c) They dip the tools in rubbing alcohol.
(d) They boil the tools.

10. In what stage of Tolstoy's life did this major change occur?
(a) Youth.
(b) Old age.
(c) Young adulthood.
(d) Middle age.

11. How does Orwell feel about Shakespeare?
(a) He admires what Shakespeare attempted, but dislikes his works.
(b) He likes Shakespeare's characters, but not the plots of his plays.
(c) He likes Shakespeare, but realizes that there are flaws in his work.
(d) He loves his work, and has profound respect for him as an artist.

12. In principle, with whom does the narrator side?
(a) The police.
(b) The British.
(c) The prisoners.
(d) The Burmese.

13. What is the crowd's reaction to the prisoner's chant?
(a) They begin to feel some compassion for him.
(b) They try to help him escape.
(c) They want him to die quickly.
(d) It doesn't seem to have an effect on them.

14. How does Orwell feel about Burnham, and his methods of prophesying?
(a) He is cowardly, and mentally imbalanced.
(b) His prophecies are based on good evidence, but they are misinterpreted.
(c) He has good intentions, but is misguided.
(d) He is a con artist.

15. What does Burnham write about Stalin?
(a) He is less than ideal, but still a competent leader.
(b) He is brilliant and misunderstood.
(c) He is a sham, who must be overthrown.
(d) He is a necessary and logical continuation from Lenin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What treatment is described as a spectator sport on the ward?

2. How did Gandhi feel about Satyagraha?

3. What does Orwell say is the sole purpose of a metaphor?

4. In what country is the narrator, in Chapter 3?

5. How is the Burmese jail described?

(see the answer keys)

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