Shiver Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Shiver Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Maggie Stiefvater
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who had been shot full of bullets the night Sam is shot?
(a) Beck.
(b) Jack.
(c) Paul.
(d) Derek.

2. What happens to the werewolf?
(a) The werewolf takes a potion and can no longer turn to wolf.
(b) The werewolf is killed by a mob.
(c) Beck kills the werewolf.
(d) The werewolf disappears and no one knows.

3. What does Rachel want to do for the Christmas holiday?
(a) Leave Mercy Falls.
(b) Do something exciting but she does not know what.
(c) Go to Paris.
(d) Try to capture a werewolf.

4. What does Sam say makes him change into a wolf?
(a) The full moon.
(b) The cold.
(c) Hormones.
(d) Snow.

5. What does Grace believe?
(a) The wolves are not going to kill her.
(b) The wolves are trying to tell her something.
(c) She will die.
(d) Her father is going to get killed.

6. What confuses Sam about Grace?
(a) That she is able to understand the wolfs when they are talking.
(b) That she is able to go into a hibernation-like state.
(c) That she is not a werewolf.
(d) That she is not afraid of him.

7. Where is Jack Culpepper killed?
(a) In the Boundary Wood.
(b) In his own home.
(c) In an abandoned house.
(d) On the Boundary waterway.

8. Who does Sam disagree with in the pack?
(a) Jack.
(b) Paul.
(c) Shelby.
(d) Beck.

9. What does Grace wonder about concerning the wolves?
(a) How they change back and forth between human and wolf.
(b) Why the one she-wolf came to her window.
(c) How they are able to hunt in such an urban area.
(d) How long before people decide to go after them.

10. What does Sam do when Grace buries her hand in his fur?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Snaps at her.
(c) Growls at her.
(d) Pushes her away with his paw.

11. How does Sam approach Grace that day in the bookstore?
(a) He does not approach her.
(b) He says something to Olivia.
(c) He says something to Rachel.
(d) He sees her reading a book and makes a comment about it.

12. Where are Sam's parents?
(a) They are dead.
(b) In another town not far from there.
(c) In prison.
(d) Missionaries in Africa.

13. What does Sam recall about Grace?
(a) The way the light catches in her hair.
(b) Her oddly-colored eyes.
(c) The scent of her hands on his fur.
(d) The soothing sound of her quiet voice.

14. What does Sam say being a werewolf does?
(a) Takes away inhibitions.
(b) Makes most werewolves to feel rejected by full humans.
(c) Intensifies one's most prominent traits.
(d) Makes most people angry to be like that.

15. What does Grace see out of her bedroom window the night after her father makes his announcement?
(a) Sam in werewolf form.
(b) Sam in human form.
(c) A great-horned owl.
(d) The she-wolf.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose gaze does Grace hold as she is being harassed by the wolves?

2. Where does Sam go when he leaves Grace?

3. What wolf does Grace recognize as she encounters three of them in the woods?

4. Who does Sam wish would be there?

5. What does Grace say could have happened?

(see the answer keys)

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