She's Come Undone Test | Final Test - Easy

Wally Lamb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

She's Come Undone Test | Final Test - Easy

Wally Lamb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Dante go after Dolores kicks him out of the house?
(a) A hotel.
(b) Atlantic City.
(c) His parents' house.
(d) Dolores' grandmother's house.

2. Who does Dolores kiss before leaving the mental hospital?
(a) Dr. Shaw.
(b) Fred.
(c) Ann.
(d) DePolitico.

3. What business does Thayer own?
(a) A restaurant.
(b) Construction.
(c) Plumbing.
(d) Music Store.

4. Who does Dolores spot in a picture at her job at a mail order photo development lab?
(a) Geneva Sweet.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Dante.
(d) Her father.

5. What advice does Mr. Pucci give to Dolores?
(a) Take the love that you are given.
(b) Work hard, play hard.
(c) Treat others as you would be treated.
(d) If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

6. After Dante brings Dolores the television set, what does he say the house smells like?
(a) Mint.
(b) Dead fish.
(c) Death.
(d) Roses.

7. After fertility treatments fail, what do Thayer and Dolores decide to do about children?
(a) Never talk of the subject again.
(b) Quit trying for children.
(c) Keep trying.
(d) Adopt.

8. What is the name of Paula and Boomer's child?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Ashley.
(c) Cody.
(d) Simon.

9. What does Dante do with his days after he is fired from his teaching job?
(a) Fixes cars.
(b) Writes poetry.
(c) Gardens.
(d) Fishes.

10. What is the name of the halfway home that Dolores moves into?
(a) Gracewood House.
(b) Project Outreach House.
(c) Sunshine House.
(d) Apple House.

11. What did Dante buy with Dolores' savings?
(a) A car.
(b) A house.
(c) A van.
(d) A television.

12. Why does Dante say that he envies Dolores?
(a) Because she knows her family.
(b) Because she is thin.
(c) Because she is simple.
(d) Because she is a hard worker.

13. What book does Dolores begin reading while working at the convenience store?
(a) The Tin Drum.
(b) Moby Dick.
(c) Our Bodies, Ourselves.
(d) Valley of the Dolls.

14. How much did Dolores have saved in her secret saving account when she tells Dante?
(a) $50.
(b) $500.
(c) $10,000.
(d) $4800.

15. What happens after Dolores is pulled into the office by her boss at the convenience store?
(a) She is promoted.
(b) She is demoted.
(c) She is fired.
(d) She is yelled at.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who lives with Thayer and Dolores after they get married?

2. What is the name of the instructor in Dolores' English class?

3. How are Mrs. Wing and C. Massey related?

4. Where does Dolores get a part time job after divorcing Dante?

5. Where does Thayer take Dolores on a surprise trip?

(see the answer keys)

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