Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What impedes the French cavalry from overtaking the British?
(a) Harrassment by English sharpshooters.
(b) The muddy ground.
(c) Harrassment by the Belgium artillery.
(d) Harrassment by the 110th Prussian cavalry.

2. How are the British heavy cavalry defeated?
(a) They are overpowered by the Cuirassiers.
(b) They fail to listen to the bugle call to retreat.
(c) They run up on hidden light guns.
(d) They run up on hidden cannons.

3. What does Rossendale do when he sees Sharpe coming his way?
(a) Calls for help.
(b) Flees into the woods.
(c) Stands his ground.
(d) Draws his sword.

4. What is the use for the cobbled road?
(a) To move reinforcements out of sight.
(b) For a fast retreat if necessary.
(c) There is no planned use for it.
(d) To be able to hear the advance of Napoleon's army.

5. What does the Prince of Orange do to cover his embarrassment from the previous day?
(a) Blusters his way through planning his army's assignment.
(b) Makes an exaggerated analysis of the allied lines.
(c) Says the knock on his head addled his brains.
(d) Asks Sharpe about the encounter with Lord Rossendale.

6. Where does Sharpe return to in chapter 12?
(a) His rifle brigade.
(b) England.
(c) The headquarters of his Royal Highness.
(d) Brussels.

7. What forms the rear guard of the Duke of Wellington's army?
(a) The horse artillery and cavalry.
(b) The pikemen.
(c) The elite infantry.
(d) The sharpshooter brigade.

8. About what does Rebecque lecture Sharpe?
(a) How to respond to an imbecilic order.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Not to risk his life on the recon mission.
(d) Not to interfere in the duel if no cheating is going on.

9. How does Rossendale get separated from his friends?
(a) Because Baggett heads them off.
(b) Because of the difficult terrain.
(c) Because of an exploding rocket.
(d) Rossendale has no friends at the moment.

10. What does Wellington order that his men keep?
(a) Only their rifles.
(b) All their tack.
(c) Only their sabers.
(d) Their weapons, ammunition and canteens only.

11. What large complexes are near where the British wait?
(a) Industries.
(b) Convents.
(c) Farms.
(d) Monasteries.

12. With what does the battle start?
(a) Eerie silence.
(b) A cannon duel.
(c) A clap of thunder.
(d) A dozen French brigades screaming a battle cry.

13. What is the Emperor's signal to start the battle?
(a) Three cannon shots.
(b) A dozen bugle tones.
(c) A 21 gun rifle salute.
(d) A single cannon shot.

14. Who is in charge of the Prussian army?
(a) The Prince of Orange.
(b) The Duke of Wellington.
(c) Marshal Prince Blucher.
(d) General Hollenzoleren.

15. What are the British gunners firing from the ridge?
(a) Flaming arrows from lit tar pits.
(b) Howitzers with the new shrapnel shells.
(c) Solid, 25 pound cannons.
(d) Long-range rifles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the Prussians located?

2. What does Rebecque give Sharpe?

3. Who wears black bearskins?

4. What does Sharpe do to Rossendale's sword?

5. When Sharpe is within twenty paces of Rossendale, what does Rossendale do?

(see the answer keys)

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