Sharpe's Rifles: Richard Sharpe and the French Invasion of Galicia, January 1809 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Rifles: Richard Sharpe and the French Invasion of Galicia, January 1809 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By what title does Major Warren Dunnet address the lieutenant in Chapter 1?
(a) Officer on Duty.
(b) Logistics Commander.
(c) Quartermaster.
(d) Company Commander.

2. What does Williams tell Sharpe that Vivar has told Williams about the strongbox?
(a) It is the King's Great Seal.
(b) It contains precious jewels.
(c) It contains gold.
(d) It has valuable intelligence information.

3. What does Vivar say when Sharpe asks for explanations of what they are doing?
(a) He tells him he doesn't have the need to know.
(b) He tells him about the strongbox.
(c) Vivar says he can't tell Sharpe anything until the next week.
(d) He says he will talk later.

4. Where was Vivar when his wife died?
(a) In Spain.
(b) In America.
(c) In Britain.
(d) In France.

5. What does Vivar say will defeat the French in Spain?
(a) The Spanish have a better army.
(b) The French need the Spanish to feed them.
(c) There are too many hiding places for guerrillas.
(d) Napoleon is going to die young.

6. Where do the riflemen go when they leave the farmhouse?
(a) North on the road.
(b) They go behind the French troops.
(c) The go behind the barn.
(d) They go into the woods.

7. Who does Sharpe meet in the night?
(a) A British woman.
(b) A Spanish woman.
(c) Vivar's lieutenant.
(d) Harper.

8. What does the French commander tell Sharpe?
(a) He has ten minutes to surrender.
(b) He will let them go if Sharpe gives him the strongbox.
(c) He will hang all of Sharpe's men as thieves.
(d) He will burn the farmhouse down.

9. Who does Sharpe meet with in the French troops?
(a) Captain Blaize.
(b) Colonel de l'Eclin.
(c) Colonel de le'Tousi.
(d) Major Plume la Tieri.

10. What does Louisa do when the riflemen leave the farmhouse?
(a) Stays in the farmhouse.
(b) She's with her uncle in the French troops.
(c) Goes to the carriage.
(d) Run to Sharpe.

11. For what does Vivar thank Harper?
(a) Covering the bridge across the river.
(b) Saving Vivar's life.
(c) Saving the stongbox.
(d) Starting the forest fire.

12. Where does Sharpe put a dozen riflemen when he spots French cavalry?
(a) In a group of trees.
(b) Behind the Parkers' carriage.
(c) Across the road in a line.
(d) Formed into a square in the middle of the road.

13. Why does Sharpe talk to the French?
(a) To offer himself for his men's lives.
(b) To arrange safe passage for the Parkers.
(c) To assess their numbers.
(d) To let them know Vivar is not with them.

14. What does Williams suggest to Sharpe?
(a) They go east away from the French.
(b) They rescue the prisoners.
(c) They scatter in the woods.
(d) They surrender to the French.

15. How long do the Spanish troops and the riflemen travel?
(a) They march three days without stopping.
(b) For five hours.
(c) Through the night.
(d) From dawn to dusk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sharpe tell Parker his strategy is after they are in the farmhouse?

2. How does Sharpe get a telescope?

3. What does Harper suggest they do with the Parker's carriage?

4. What does the man in the black coat and white boots say to Sharpe?

5. Who is the young British woman at the village?

(see the answer keys)

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