Sharpe's Regiment Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Regiment Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jane say she will leave in the boathouse?
(a) Food and money.
(b) A map.
(c) Her uncle's account books.
(d) A gun.

2. What has been determined about the second battalion of which Sharpe is a part?
(a) It needs to release about 10 percent of its men who have fulfilled their contract.
(b) It needs a rotation home.
(c) It is not combat effective.
(d) It will receive a unit citation.

3. What does Girdwood decide to do about Harper?
(a) Hang him.
(b) Put him in stocks for a week.
(c) Shoot him.
(d) Hunt him like he is game.

4. Who is presented as slightly confused but enthusiastic about military matters?
(a) The Duke of York.
(b) The Prince of Orange.
(c) The Prince of Wales.
(d) The Duke of Orange.

5. What does Sharpe do for a diversion?
(a) Shoots out the windows of Girdwood's home.
(b) Starts a huge fire.
(c) Gets the men to line up in attack formation.
(d) Kidnaps Jane.

6. How does Girdwood wear his mustache?
(a) He has not mustache.
(b) Clipped short.
(c) Long handlebars.
(d) Tarred.

7. How is Sharpe when he leaves Maggie Joyce?
(a) Drunk.
(b) Exhausted.
(c) Wound up.
(d) Sick.

8. Where is the last time Carline saw Lt. Col. Girdwood?
(a) Three days ago.
(b) Two weeks ago.
(c) About a year.
(d) Many months ago.

9. What did the owner of the bar teach Sharpe?
(a) How to read.
(b) How to survive on the streets.
(c) How to spot a card cheat.
(d) How to play whist.

10. What does Sharpe tell Jane?
(a) That he wants her to come with him.
(b) That her uncle is deeply involved in fraudulent practices.
(c) That Harper is there with Sharpe.
(d) Why he is enlisted and how he plans to escape.

11. What does Sharpe do after leaving the state function?
(a) Meet up with Lt. Col. Girdwood.
(b) Start off to find the 2nd battalion.
(c) Go to sleep.
(d) Have a sexual liaision with a beautiful woman.

12. What seems likely about Sharpe and Jane?
(a) They come from similar backgrounds.
(b) They have been lovers.
(c) They are like oil and water.
(d) They feel strong affection for each other.

13. Why does Sharpe note about the medical certification of the recruits?
(a) It is not done by the recruiting doctor, but rather by his assistant.
(b) It is not done by a magistrate.
(c) It is very rigorous.
(d) It is very lax.

14. What does one of the men following Sharpe tell him?
(a) That he was supposed to just follow Sharpe.
(b) That he was hired by Sharpe's ex-wife to kill him.
(c) The man refuses to talk.
(d) That he was hired by a soldier to kill Sharpe.

15. What is odd about Chelmsford?
(a) It is celebrating the end of the war a little prematurely.
(b) It is packed with hundreds of recruits.
(c) It is all on fire.
(d) It is deserted.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how many men is the second battalion drawing rations?

2. Who does Sharpe encounter after speaking with Carline?

3. What does Sharpe decide to do?

4. Who is failing at his basic tasks?

5. What does Lynch do to Weller's dog?

(see the answer keys)

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