Sharpe's Honour: Richard Sharpe and the Vitoria Campaign, February to June, 1813 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Honour: Richard Sharpe and the Vitoria Campaign, February to June, 1813 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what capacity will Trumper-Jones work at Sharpe's trial?
(a) Defending officer.
(b) Prosecuting officer.
(c) Judge.
(d) Trial recorder.

2. What arrives at the Sharpe's camp in Chapter 3 that Sharpe believes is unnecessary?
(a) Tents.
(b) Wagons.
(c) Field artillery.
(d) Mules.

3. What does Leroy want Sharpe to buy?
(a) Fodder for the animals.
(b) A horse.
(c) A new uniform.
(d) A tent.

4. Why does an English sergeant jerk on the prisoner's legs?
(a) To straighten out his trousers.
(b) To take his shoes.
(c) To keep him from falling.
(d) To snap his neck.

5. What kind of weapon does Angel carry?
(a) A cavalry sword.
(b) A Baker rifle.
(c) A Bowie knife.
(d) A hunting bow.

6. What nationality is Helene Leroux's husband?
(a) Spanish.
(b) French.
(c) Portuguese.
(d) English.

7. What does the Mother Superior ask Sharpe to do when he meets her?
(a) To wait until the morning.
(b) To cut some firewood.
(c) To leave the convent.
(d) To bring some water.

8. Who is Sharpe given to help him clear his name?
(a) Two intelligence officers.
(b) A boy named Angel.
(c) A small platoon.
(d) No one.

9. Where is Sharpe placed in Chapter 6 after he is arrested?
(a) The dungeon at the governor's palace.
(b) He's under house arrest.
(c) A holding room.
(d) In the stockade.

10. How does Helene appear to Sharpe?
(a) Sick.
(b) Dirty and in drab clothes.
(c) Tired.
(d) Ugly.

11. Why is Helene moving her fortune to France?
(a) Her husband is after it.
(b) She is a French citizen.
(c) For safekeeping.
(d) She wants to support Napoleon.

12. What does Angel do obsessively with his weapon?
(a) Threaten people with it.
(b) Sleep with it.
(c) Play with it.
(d) Clean it.

13. How does Sharpe observe the French army?
(a) By lying on a hill overlooking the road.
(b) By wearing a French uniform.
(c) Through his telescope.
(d) Through a pair of binoculars.

14. What do the Spanish think about Sharpe being sentenced to hanging?
(a) It is too good and quick.
(b) It is wrong, he didn't do it.
(c) It is right.
(d) They don't have an opinion.

15. What do the witnesses against Sharpe say they used to identify him?
(a) His sword and his walk.
(b) His large, straight sword.
(c) His height.
(d) His boot prints.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Harper worry about Sharpe?

2. What kind of hair does the prisoner being hung have?

3. About what does Leroy confront Sharpe?

4. How does Wellington feel about Sharpe's execution?

5. What does Hacha think will happen to Spain because of the Sharpe incident?

(see the answer keys)

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