Sharpe's Christmas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Christmas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sharpe feel as he is marching to Irati that evening?
(a) Pleased that Picard no longer spreads his evil in the world.
(b) Nervous about the two French brigades advancing toward Irati.
(c) Sorrowful that the newborn will not know its mother.
(d) Extreme anger about Nicholl's death.

2. Who is sulking about his defeat?
(a) Picard.
(b) Harper.
(c) Nicholls.
(d) Caillou.

3. What promise does Lucille make to Lorcet?
(a) Father Defoy will be there shortly.
(b) Sharpe will kill him for sure.
(c) Sharpe will be back.
(d) She will make sure he gets the gold.

4. What has Sharpe read in the papers?
(a) All former English soldiers are to leave France.
(b) The King of England is offering amnesty to deserters.
(c) The French countryside has been plundered.
(d) Napoleon has escaped.

5. What does Lucille cook for Challon and his two hussars?
(a) Bacon and eggs.
(b) Gruel.
(c) Pancakes.
(d) Duck.

6. Who in the village likes Sharpe?
(a) Father Defoy.
(b) Malan.
(c) Ducos.
(d) The widow Malan.

7. Where did Malan serve during the Napoleonic Wars?
(a) As a colonel in the French Imperial Guard.
(b) As an ensign on a British ship.
(c) As a sergeant in France's Imperial Guard.
(d) He was not in the military.

8. Why does Lucille name Patrick with the surname Lassan?
(a) She thinks the villagers will accept him better.
(b) She wants Patrick to be able to inherit her family estate.
(c) She wants her family's name to continue.
(d) She does not name his Lassan.

9. Who advises against Picard's suggestion?
(a) Santon.
(b) Gudin.
(c) Caillou.
(d) No one.

10. Why does Lubecque have one of his men drive the cart?
(a) He has no left hand and cannot drive the cart.
(b) He does not trust Sharpe.
(c) He does not want to drive the cart himself.
(d) He thinks Sharpe is more easily guarded in the back of the cart.

11. What does Lucille deliberately do as she is gathering the wash?
(a) Motions to her son to leave.
(b) Sways her hips.
(c) Motions to her daughter to leave.
(d) Drops a handkerchief.

12. Who kicks Challon between the legs?
(a) Sharpe.
(b) Lucille.
(c) Malan.
(d) No one.

13. Who is Monsieur Plaquet?
(a) A man with whom Sharpe has an agreement.
(b) The mayor of Seville.
(c) The owner of a bank in Paris.
(d) A former enemy of Sharpe's.

14. What does Sharpe notice is rusted?
(a) His sword edge.
(b) Many of his men's muskets.
(c) His knife.
(d) The cogwheels.

15. About what does Challon harass Lucille?
(a) Having a child out of wedlock.
(b) Not marrying a wealthy man.
(c) Being with an Englishman.
(d) Living on the farm.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Father Defoy embarrass publicly?

2. About what do Harper and Sharpe argue near the end of the story?

3. What does Challon promise Lucille?

4. Where did the treasure go?

5. Sharpe says Malan is ______________.

(see the answer keys)

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