Sharpe's Christmas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Christmas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who thought he was in love with Lucille?
(a) No one besides Sharpe.
(b) Colonel Gudin.
(c) Malan.
(d) The mayor.

2. What does Marie tell Sharpe to do when he wakes on Christmas Eve?
(a) Not wake the baby.
(b) Take no risks.
(c) Eat breakfast.
(d) Dress warmly.

3. Who is Monsieur Plaquet?
(a) A man with whom Sharpe has an agreement.
(b) A former enemy of Sharpe's.
(c) The mayor of Seville.
(d) The owner of a bank in Paris.

4. What does Challon put under his arm?
(a) His pistol.
(b) Patrick.
(c) His clothes.
(d) Nothing.

5. Who is Corporal Lubecque?
(a) A man Lorcet sends with Shapre to Caen.
(b) A good friend of Malan's.
(c) The man Lorcet leaves to guard Lucille.
(d) Lucille's former gardner.

6. What is the tall man with hussar pigtails carrying?
(a) Sharpe's sword.
(b) Sharpe's rifle.
(c) Patrick.
(d) A Bible.

7. Where does Sharpe send two companies?
(a) To gather the French horses.
(b) To take Christmas leave.
(c) To guard the southern enemy.
(d) To advance across France's border.

8. What does Lucille ask Sharpe if he misses?
(a) India.
(b) France.
(c) Army life.
(d) England.

9. Whom does Challon push out of the room upstairs?
(a) Marie.
(b) Sharpe.
(c) Patrick.
(d) Lucille.

10. What does Picard suggest they do when they hear gunfire?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Help Gudin's men.
(c) Get into France as fast as possible.
(d) Send a messenger for reinforcements.

11. What does Gudin mention that prompts Sharpe to ask for more information?
(a) A horse Gudin lost last winter.
(b) His wife.
(c) A woman both men knew in India.
(d) Gudin's bad luck since India.

12. About what does Lucille make fun of Lorcet?
(a) He has to hire thugs to do his business.
(b) He only sent three men to accompany Sharpe.
(c) He is relying upon a known criminal for aide.
(d) He cannot control Challon.

13. What does Father Defoy wish Jacques would do?
(a) Forgive the English.
(b) Re-enlist.
(c) Buy a farm and settle down.
(d) Something beneficial for the village.

14. What did Ducos' will mention?
(a) Silver.
(b) Gold.
(c) A daughter.
(d) A son.

15. What promise does Lucille make to Lorcet?
(a) She will make sure he gets the gold.
(b) Sharpe will kill him for sure.
(c) Father Defoy will be there shortly.
(d) Sharpe will be back.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lucille explain Sharpe's presence?

2. What does Sharpe notice is rusted?

3. What is Sharpe learning to love?

4. Who is sitting opposite Lucille when Sharpe enters the kitchen?

5. What does Lucille ask of the men who break into her home?

(see the answer keys)

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