Sharp Objects Test | Final Test - Medium

Gillian Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Sharp Objects Test | Final Test - Medium

Gillian Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Meredith tell Camille about Ann?
(a) Ann and Natalie were best friends.
(b) Ann usually skipped school.
(c) Ann was abused at home.
(d) Ann bit Adora.

2. What quote of John's does Camille open her article with in Chapter 10?
(a) "She was a good kid."
(b) "I'm sorry she came here because now she's dead."
(c) "This town killed her."
(d) "She was bullied a lot."

3. What advice does Jackie give Camille at the end of Chapter 13?
(a) Do not drink what Adora gives you.
(b) Amma is evil.
(c) Leave Wind Gap.
(d) Watch out for Alan.

4. What grade is the girl that Camille tells Richard about in Chapter 8?
(a) 12th.
(b) 9th.
(c) 8th.
(d) 7th.

5. What does Adora threaten Camille with in Chapter 10?
(a) She will carve her name into the only un-scarred part of Camille's body one day.
(b) She will tell everyone that Camille killed Marian.
(c) She will cut Camille out of her will and leave her with nothing.
(d) She will tell everyone that Camille is a drunk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Richard admit in the school house?

2. What does Amma say she likes to do after Adora takes care of her?

3. What is the nickname that Richard calls Camille?

4. Who is waiting for Camille when she gets home in Chapter 11?

5. Who drives Camille home from the girl's night?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Camille go to see Richard at the start of Chapter 12?

2. What happens in the one room school house in the woods in Chapter 10?

3. What happens at the Woodberry in Chapter 9?

4. What is Meredith Wheeler upset about in Chapter 10?

5. What is one of the stories that Camille tells Richard about Wind Gap's violent history?

6. What does Camille learn about Natalie after talking to John in Chapter 10?

7. In Chapter 10, Camille sees John Keene up close for the first time. What does he look like?

8. What is Mrs. Keene's reaction to Camille in Chapter 8?

9. What is Camille's experience at Katie Lacey's house in Chapter 9?

10. What lies has Adora been telling Alan about Camille?

(see the answer keys)

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