Shame Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shame Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the betrothed of Rani Hamayun?

2. Who returns to Q as Omar is leaving it for Karachi?

3. What is Iskander and Rani Harappa's first daughter's nickname?

4. With whom does BIlquis go to the movies in Q while Raza is away?

5. The men who visit the women at night in Bariamma's room are sarcastically called what?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what idea do Raza and Bilquis put an undue amount of faith, and why is this a troublesome belief?

2. What characterizes Bilquis' reaction to the Loo?

3. How does Bilquis come to be accepted as a member of the Hyder family?

4. Of what two cultural parts is the town of Q's dumbbell shape composed?

5. How is Bilquis' father's business ruined?

6. Briefly describe why the narrator insists that his novel is not about a real Pakistan, and what would happen to (the story, not the actual book) it if it were.

7. How does Omar Khayyam describe himself to Iskander Harappa, as described at the end of Chapter 1?

8. How is Omar initially greeted upon his exiting Nishapur?

9. Describe the end of Bilquis' father's business.

10. What are the lasting effects of Omar's birthday request upon his mothers?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write a thoughtful analytical essay on the character of Rani Humayun Harappa. As one of the prominent female characters in the story, her actions and character are very important for discerning the significance of the story. In what ways is Rani significant? How does she impact the plot of the story, if at all? What is the significance of her impact, if she has any, and even if she does not? What particular actions demonstrate to the reader the character of Rani? Is she a virtuous character? Defend your answers with explicit references to the text.

Essay Topic 2

Compose an insightful essay on the character of Raza Hyder. As one of the principal protagonists of the story's events, what is Raza's overall significance to the story and its main themes? What are his primary character traits and in what actions do they show themselves? Does he in any way change over the course of the story? How do the other characters think of him and act towards him throughout the story? In what ways does he represent universal human nature? Is his character one of virtue? If so, in what ways, and if not, in what ways?

Essay Topic 3

In an analytical essay, carefully examine the character and personality of Omar Khayyam Shakil. Take into account all of the relevant details, from the moment and manner of his conception until his violent death. In what ways is he is a peripheral character? How is he in any sense a hero of the story? In what way do his actions, or lack thereof, move the events of the story? In what ways is he significant as a symbolic character? What does his character, in all its exaggerations, demonstrate about universal human nature?

(see the answer keys)

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