Shadows on the Koyukuk: An Alaskan Native's Life Along the River Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Sidney C. Huntington
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadows on the Koyukuk: An Alaskan Native's Life Along the River Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Sidney C. Huntington
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Shadows on the Koyukuk: An Alaskan Native's Life Along the River Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 19, Beaver and Chapter 20, Snarling Grizzly Bears.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Two Indians helped James escape after he was arrested, Monkey John and ____.
(a) Chief Thomas.
(b) Chief Paul.
(c) Chief Lolee-ann.
(d) Chief John.

2. Sidney and his young siblings hid where when they heard an approaching steamboat near their home, after Anna died?
(a) On the cabin roof.
(b) In the store cellar.
(c) In the bottom of the boat.
(d) In the nearby woods.

3. Sidney brought logs down the river in a ___, imitating a man he saw do it.
(a) Fishing boat.
(b) Raft.
(c) Canoe.
(d) Whipsaw boat.

4. Who told Sidney about evidence of strangers and how the storyteller's dad and another tracked and killed the strangers?
(a) Sakeroni.
(b) Weasleheart.
(c) Hog River Johnny.
(d) Young Tobey.

5. Sidney's Aunt Eliza's last name was ___.
(a) Thomas.
(b) Attla.
(c) Oldman.
(d) Evans.

Short Answer Questions

1. In 1934 Sidney's dad went to the Alaska Pioneer Home in ___ because of failing health.

2. In Chapter 18 "Sled Dogs," Sidney described taking his __ year old son Carl trapping.

3. How much money did Sidney's family make selling some of the salmon they caught after the flood?

4. Whose two daughters were taken by the Russians when the Russians first arrived in the Koyukon area?

5. After his escape, James returned home to New York to visit whom?

(see the answer key)

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