Shadow & Claw Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow & Claw Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Severian borrow from Jonas after reading the letter slid under the door?
(a) A dagger.
(b) His sword.
(c) His horse.
(d) A scroll of paper.

2. What reason does Severian give for understanding if the reader no longer wishes to travel with him at the end of the book?
(a) He wishes all readers to travel with him at once.
(b) He will die tomorrow.
(c) His travels are nearly over.
(d) The road is a hard one.

3. Who has a part in a play ready for Severian when they meet in the garden at the House of Absolute?
(a) Dorcas.
(b) Dr. Talos.
(c) Jolenta.
(d) Baldanders.

4. What does Severian lose during his struggle in the cave?
(a) The letter from Thecla.
(b) His sword.
(c) His lantern.
(d) The Claw.

5. What is Severian's reaction when he realizes why the body was stolen from the graveyard?
(a) He is relieved.
(b) He becomes sick.
(c) He can't wait to drink the liquid.
(d) He is excited.

6. What does Severian throw a coin into while in the House of Absolute?
(a) A large vase in the entry hall.
(b) A beggar's can.
(c) A fountain.
(d) A bowl of water on the altar.

7. Dr. Talos uses a book for his final play. What is this book?
(a) The book of the executioner.
(b) The Iliad.
(c) The story of the green man.
(d) The lost book of the new sun.

8. What does Severian place on the soldier's head that brings the soldier back to life?
(a) The animal elixir.
(b) Dragon blood.
(c) His hand.
(d) The Claw.

9. During the final play in the book, who is supposed to scare the crowds?
(a) The green man.
(b) Baldanders.
(c) Severian.
(d) Dr. Talos.

10. What does Severian put on Agia's chest to hold her to the ground?
(a) His foot.
(b) A magical spell.
(c) A large rock.
(d) The Claw.

11. Who does Severian see in the crowd when Barnach is dragged from his home?
(a) Thecla.
(b) Vodalus.
(c) Drotte.
(d) Agia.

12. Near the end of the book, whose screams cause Severian to turn away from the water and run back to the camp?
(a) Baldanders'.
(b) Dorcas'.
(c) Jolenta's.
(d) Vodalus'.

13. The liquid in the bottle is made from an animal that eats what?
(a) Dead human flesh.
(b) Algae.
(c) Dragon flesh.
(d) Averns.

14. What is the name of the village where Severian works as an executioner at the beginning of Part 2?
(a) Peppus.
(b) Autarch.
(c) Saltus.
(d) Thrax.

15. What does Severian find in the water near the end of the book?
(a) A letter from Dorcas.
(b) A beautiful and frightening creature.
(c) An emerald.
(d) An ancient sword.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the green man from?

2. Before Vodalus was separated from Dorcas, who was following them?

3. What does Severian offer to help the green man do?

4. Where do Severian and Jolenta go to make love?

5. What does Jonas do when Severian is done reading to him?

(see the answer keys)

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