Shadow & Claw Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow & Claw Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kinds of weapons are carried by the person or people who attack the men in the graveyard?
(a) Guns.
(b) Crossbows.
(c) Axes.
(d) Spears.

2. Who is Hethor?
(a) An executioner.
(b) Severian's grandfather.
(c) Agia's brother.
(d) The odd man who stammers.

3. What does Thecla know her sister will never do?
(a) Return to the city.
(b) Betray Vodalus.
(c) Save her.
(d) Marry Severian.

4. What will happen to a person who is pricked by an avern?
(a) They will become blind and deaf.
(b) They will go insane.
(c) They will die.
(d) They will turn to stone.

5. What does Thecla hope for while she is imprisoned?
(a) Her sister will save her.
(b) Vodalus will give himself up.
(c) Jonas will fall in love with her.
(d) To be let go.

6. What does Master Gurloes ask Severian when he is summoned to the master's office?
(a) What Thecla has told him.
(b) If he wants to be a torturer.
(c) For information about Drotte.
(d) If he wants to be the master of the guild.

7. What does a journeyman torturer wear as part of his uniform?
(a) A badge.
(b) A feathered mask.
(c) A red cloak.
(d) A bone mask and black cloak.

8. How does Severian travel across the river on his way to find the avern?
(a) He swims.
(b) By ferry.
(c) On a large serpent.
(d) On horseback.

9. What is the name of the man in the shop Severian visits after breakfast with Dr. Talos and Baldanders?
(a) Agilus.
(b) Jonas.
(c) Agia.
(d) Thrax.

10. What confuses Severian about the challenge he is issued?
(a) How to use a crossbow.
(b) How to make the magical bird fly.
(c) Why he can't use his sword.
(d) How to duel with a plant.

11. What do Severian and Dorcas decide to do with the gem?
(a) Sell it to the strange man.
(b) Take it to the master of the guild.
(c) Keep it and hide it.
(d) Return it to the altar.

12. What are Severian and his challenger wearing when they enter the arena?
(a) Only red pants.
(b) Boots and masks.
(c) Full suits of armor.
(d) Cloaks.

13. Apprentices under the age of 18 aren't allowed to have what?
(a) Pets.
(b) Cloaks.
(c) Money.
(d) Books.

14. What is Master Gurloes' position in the guild?
(a) Head of the guild.
(b) Judge.
(c) Main torturer.
(d) Secretary.

15. Who explains to Severian that the masked man has issued a challenge?
(a) Dr. Talos.
(b) Agilus.
(c) Baldanders.
(d) Agia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who explains to the waitress that they will be putting on a play?

2. Dorcas leaves the room after finding Agia trying to seduce Severian. What does Severian find?

3. What does Thecla ask the head of the guild for?

4. How does the guild celebrate Severian becoming a journeyman torturer?

5. When a new woman is brought to the guild, to which cell is she assigned?

(see the answer keys)

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