Self-Reliance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Self-Reliance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Emerson say is the lesson great works of art teach us?
(a) Truly great works of art inspire everyone.
(b) Art is a matter of personal taste.
(c) There are few true geniuses in the world.
(d) Obey your spontaneous impression.

2. Why does Emerson say we distrust our sentiment?
(a) We are unsure of ourselves.
(b) We are unsure of what others will think.
(c) We understand the opposition.
(d) We understand the work required.

3. What does Emerson give as his reason for insisting that we "...must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny..."?
(a) We are old enough.
(b) Society demands this of us.
(c) We must live according to our conscience.
(d) We are now men.

4. Which story does Emerson tell to get his point across about self-perception?
(a) That of a duke taken to a poor man's house and told he is a poor man.
(b) That of a poor man taken to a duke's house and told he is the duke.
(c) That of a duke who leaves his riches behind to become a poor man.
(d) That of a poor man who trusts himself enough to become a duke.

5. What does Emerson insist men carry themselves in the presence of?
(a) Decent and well-spoken individuals.
(b) All opposition.
(c) God.
(d) Societies and dead institutions.

6. Why does Emerson say about children's minds?
(a) Their minds are uninfluenced.
(b) Their minds are undeveloped.
(c) Their minds are untrustworthy.
(d) Their minds are whole.

7. What does Emerson say is most important about verses like the ones he mentions at the beginning of the first paragraph?
(a) The sentiment they instill.
(b) The thoughts they contain.
(c) The writer's character.
(d) The writer's true feelings.

8. What is it that we put on in company according to Emerson?
(a) A forced smile.
(b) A feigned laugh.
(c) Our best dress.
(d) A new set of opinions.

9. What does Emerson say about the occurrence of virtues?
(a) Men are virtuous by nature.
(b) They are the exception rather than the rule.
(c) Society helps sustain virtue.
(d) Virtue comes through action.

10. What does Emerson suggest one should accept in regards to divine providence?
(a) The feelings divine providence has instilled in them.
(b) The work divine providence has allotted them.
(c) The place divine providence has found for them.
(d) The ideas divine providence has instilled in them.

11. Who does Emerson say the youth speaks forcefully to?
(a) Their contemporaries.
(b) Women.
(c) Seniors.
(d) Children.

12. What does Emerson say a great soul may as well concern himself with as with consistency?
(a) His own sense of self.
(b) His own hobbies and interests.
(c) His shadow on the wall.
(d) His idea of divinity.

13. What does Emerson say he does not need in talking about virtuous action?
(a) Courage and charity.
(b) The assurance of philanthropists.
(c) Consent to do good.
(d) The assurance of his fellows.

14. What does Emerson wish adults could return to?
(a) Their youth.
(b) Their neutrality.
(c) Their carelessness.
(d) Their true state.

15. What is Emerson suggesting with his mention of Joseph and his coat?
(a) That we abandon previous theories.
(b) That we flee from contradiction.
(c) That we abandon the need to conform.
(d) That we flee from God and religion.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does conformity explain?

2. Why does Emerson say a character is "like an acrostic"?

3. What does Emerson say happens to the "voices which we hear in solitude" as we enter into the world?

4. What does Emerson say boys don't worry about?

5. What rule of wisdom does Emerson seem to find in his discussion of society's views of past acts?

(see the answer keys)

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