Siege of Darkness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Siege of Darkness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can't Bruenor get his sword out of a minotaur?
(a) It is put in so deep it is stuck.
(b) The minotaur is holding on to it.
(c) The sword doesn't want to come out, it is drinking blood.
(d) Bruenor is too tired to pull on his sword.

2. What is Lady Alustriel doing in Chapter Twenty-Two as she watches the battle?
(a) Getting ready to hide.
(b) Telling Drizzt where to go.
(c) Preparing to go into the battle.
(d) Holding herself in check.

3. Who does Alustriel believe will reach her knights before Bensell?
(a) The drow.
(b) The goblins.
(c) The trolls.
(d) The kobolds.

4. What happens to K'yorl when the magic returns?
(a) She can hear everyone at one time.
(b) She is stronger than before.
(c) She is no longer a telepath.
(d) She hears Lolth talking to her.

5. What is still happening at Oblodra at the opening of Chapter Thirteen?
(a) K'yorl has surrendered to Baenre.
(b) The residence is burning.
(c) Oblodra has been given to another Matron.
(d) Lolth's minions haunt the residence.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Knights in Silver have to do in response to Berkthgar's actions?

2. Why do Matron Baenre and her followers rejoice in Chapter Fourteen?

3. What is happening in the Undercity of Mithral Hall?

4. Why does Berkthgar jump into the battle so fast?

5. How does Baenre destroy the wall of the tower at Oblodran?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Drizzt discuss in his letter before Chapter Seventeen about the dwarfs and what does he say about them?

2. Describe how Uthegental is killed.

3. For what is Bidderdoo responsible during the attack and what happens with him and the kobold?

4. What does Drizzt do with the figurine in Chapter Thirteen?

5. What is Lady Alustriel considering about her home city as she watches her knights battle drow?

6. What does Belwar think about as the drow armies advance?

7. How do Pwent and his men help Bidderdoo fulfill his mission?

8. How is Drizzt almost killed when he is battling a Minotau and how is he saved?

9. Why does Errtu decide to obey Lolth?

10. What does Bensell do that makes the Knights in Silvers' jobs more difficult?

(see the answer keys)

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