The Secret Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mary make Collin do before telling him that she has found his mother's garden?
(a) Promise to not think of death.
(b) Take an oath.
(c) To try and get well.
(d) Swear to secrecy.

2. What does Mr. Craven send Mary after she asks for her bit of earth?
(a) A picture of her mother.
(b) A letter asking her to befriend Collin.
(c) Beautiful books about gardening.
(d) A box of seeds.

3. Why do Mary and Collin have to cover their mouths when they are in the presence of the staff as Collin begins to get well?
(a) So the staff does not see them laughing.
(b) To be a reminder to stay quiet about their secret.
(c) To keep up the pretense of a contagious disease.
(d) To muffle their laughter.

4. What does Collin do when he hears what Mary plans to do after lunch on the first nice day after all the rain?
(a) He forbids Mary to ever speak to his father again.
(b) He throws a tantrum.
(c) He asks her to read a book to him.
(d) He fires Martha.

5. What is beside Dickon as he works in the garden on the first nice day after all the rain?
(a) A deer.
(b) A red fox.
(c) A rabbit.
(d) A lamb.

6. Why is Mary so exultant when she comes to see Collin the morning after his tantrum?
(a) Spring has come.
(b) Dickon is here.
(c) The wind is blowing.
(d) Her uncle is on his way home.

7. What does Mrs. Sowerby send Collin one day in the Garden?
(a) A skipping rope like Mary's.
(b) Fresh milk and buns.
(c) Fresh fruit.
(d) A book about gardening.

8. What does Mary suggest that she and Collin do on the first day that it is too rainy for Collin to go out in the Garden?
(a) Explore the many rooms at Misselthwaite.
(b) Read about the proper care of a garden.
(c) Help in the kitchen for extra food.
(d) Write to his father.

9. What does Collin plan to do with his life when he is older?
(a) Make important discoveries about magic.
(b) Become a gardener.
(c) Inherit his father's business.
(d) Be a teacher.

10. Why is Collin so restless on the first day it is too rainy for him to go out to the Garden?
(a) He has not had to sit so still for a long time.
(b) He is nervous about seeing his father.
(c) He hates knowing that the staff thinks he is crippled.
(d) He is nervous about someone figuring out his secret.

11. What has Dickon added to Collin's daily routine in an effort to help him get stronger faster?
(a) Prayers.
(b) More food.
(c) Chants in a circle.
(d) Exercises.

12. What did Ben do after Mr. Craven ordered the garden be shut up?
(a) He threw seeds over the wall hoping they would sprout.
(b) He plead with Mr. Craven to allow him in the garden.
(c) He continued to climb over the wall and tend the garden.
(d) He hid the key himself.

13. What does the head gardener of Misselthwaite think of Dickon?
(a) He thinks Dickon is a fine lad.
(b) He thinks Dickon is an enchanter.
(c) He thinks Dickon is a bit eccentric.
(d) He thinks Dickon is smart as a whip.

14. What does Ben suggest that Collin do to show thanks to the garden and its magic?
(a) Go to church.
(b) Write his father.
(c) Say the Lord's prayer.
(d) Sing the Doxology.

15. What is the Robin doing on the first nice day after all the rain?
(a) Gathering nuts and berries.
(b) Building a nest.
(c) Trying to find a mate.
(d) Singing his joy about the warmth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who walks into the room as Mary and Collin are talking?

2. What does Collin do on his first day in the Garden while Mary and Dickon work?

3. On the rainy day when he cannot go out to the Garden, what does Collin say about the change in Mary's appearance that has occurred from the time they first met?

4. What is the first thing that Collin plants in the Garden?

5. What does Collin ask Mary to do for the surprise visitor to the garden after he is called a cripple?

(see the answer keys)

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