Second Glance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Second Glance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Spencer think Cissy's baby is not his?
(a) Because of the color of her skin.
(b) Because she cries too much.
(c) Because of the color of her eyes.
(d) Because she looks like a gypsy.

2. What does the paramedic tell Eli about Ross' condition after the explosions?
(a) He went home and is fine.
(b) He is in great shape.
(c) He broke a rib or two but will survive.
(d) He is dead.

3. What does Spencer believe that Gray Wolf is to Cissy?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her friend.
(c) Her lover.
(d) Her father.

4. How does Meredith know when the weather is going to be bad?
(a) Her leg hurts.
(b) Her shoulder hurts.
(c) She gets a headache.
(d) She sees double.

5. What is happening to the house that was torn down on the Pike property?
(a) It is haunted by babies crying.
(b) It is rotting.
(c) It is rebuilding itself.
(d) It is freshly painted.

6. How did Lily Robinson Beaumont die?
(a) Drowning.
(b) A hunting accident.
(c) Suicide.
(d) In childbirth.

7. When Lucy sees the picture of Cissy Pike, what does she say?
(a) "She's the one I see in the middle of the night."
(b) "Who is she?"
(c) "I know her."
(d) "I've seen her picture before."

8. Who is the unofficial Abenaki spokesman?
(a) Lia.
(b) Az.
(c) Eli.
(d) Ruby.

9. Who, other than Ross, sees the words written by Lia?
(a) Ruby.
(b) Meredith.
(c) Shelby.
(d) Lucy.

10. What is another word that the townspeople called Abenaki?
(a) Drifters.
(b) Feeble-minded.
(c) Gypsies.
(d) Indians.

11. When Rod dials 411, who picks up the phone?
(a) The municipal building.
(b) Ruby.
(c) Angel Quarry.
(d) Shelby.

12. What does the DNA evidence show about Cissy Pike?
(a) That she is Hispanic.
(b) That she is no relation to Gray Wolf.
(c) That she is African American.
(d) That she is part-Native American.

13. What does Az give to Ross?
(a) Cissy's dress.
(b) A pouch.
(c) The obituary of Cissy.
(d) A small wooden basket.

14. What does Spencer do to convince Eli he is telling the truth?
(a) Takes a lie detector test.
(b) Shows him the medicine pouch that he still has.
(c) Gives the land away to the Indians.
(d) Tries to make it up to Meredith.

15. When the doctor is examining Cissy, what does she not want him to see?
(a) The medicine pouch.
(b) The scars on her wrists.
(c) The color of her skin.
(d) Her growing stomach.

Short Answer Questions

1. How, according to Dr. Holessandro, can a baby warm up after being cold?

2. What does Lucy see outside the Holocaust Memorial Museum?

3. When Ross revives in front of a young doctor resident, what happens to the resident?

4. How do Az and Meredith confirm that they are related?

5. What does Ross believe about past lives?

(see the answer keys)

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