The Sea-Wolf Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sea-Wolf Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Brewster and Hump do while Brewster blindly tries to catch them?
(a) Laugh
(b) Hit him with a seal club
(c) Watch on holding hands
(d) Leave the ship quietly

2. What does Hump discover Larsen doing whilst investigating the ship?
(a) Clasping his head and moaning
(b) Vomiting
(c) Having a conversation with himself
(d) Banging his head aginst the wall

3. Where does Larsen try to capture Hump?
(a) In the ships walk in freezer
(b) In the brig
(c) In his cabin
(d) In the hold

4. What does Hump devise a plan to do?
(a) Have a party
(b) Kill Larsen
(c) Re-rig the ship
(d) Kill more seals

5. What overwhelms their craft?
(a) The wind
(b) The waves
(c) The current
(d) Pirates

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Hump not sleep an in adequate enclosure for so long?

2. What does Hump despair about?

3. What do Larsen and Brewster talk about at dinner?

4. What do Brewster and Hump complete at the beginning of the chapter?

5. Where does Brewster spend the night?

Short Essay Questions

1. What position do you think the Islet is that Hump and Brewster arrive at?

2. How does Hump learn how to kill the seals?

3. How does Ghost's attack on the Macedonia put them on an even keel?

4. How does Hump overcome Larsen's destruction of his work?

5. What happens to Brewster and Hump's boat once they take for the seas?

6. How do Hump's thoughts reflect the nature of the long journey?

7. Waht does Hump do once he realizes he holds the power over Larsen?

8. Describe Hump's 'rigging effort'?

9. In what ways is Hump's lack of experience a severe disadvantage when he escapes the Ghost with Brewster?

10. Describe the technical detail goes into when Hump erects the shears.

(see the answer keys)

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