The Sea-Wolf Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sea-Wolf Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Larsen lose his ability to do?
(a) Speak
(b) Remember
(c) Love
(d) Argue

2. What do Hump and Brewster beach comb for?
(a) Fossils
(b) Oysters
(c) The spars and masts
(d) More seals

3. What does Hump devise a plan to do?
(a) Kill more seals
(b) Kill Larsen
(c) Have a party
(d) Re-rig the ship

4. What happens to Larsen during this time
(a) He goes deaf
(b) He becomes paralyzed along one side of his body
(c) He dies
(d) He contracts the scurvy

5. What do the men take along with their usual shot guns?
(a) Knives
(b) Grenades
(c) A machine gun
(d) Rifles

6. How does Hump take Brewster to her bed?
(a) He doesn't
(b) He reminds her she has legs
(c) He gives her a piggy back ride
(d) He drags her

7. What does Hump change the sails to indicate?
(a) How are you doing
(b) We are also American
(c) We are pirates
(d) Clear distress

8. What has Hump forgotten?
(a) Matches
(b) Knives and forks
(c) Food
(d) Beer

9. What does Hump discover has happens when he awakens?
(a) He is tied to the bed
(b) Larsen is dead
(c) He is bleeding
(d) Brewster has had a baby

10. What is Hump too exhausted to do after a night out at sea?
(a) Carry Brewster to bed
(b) Sleep
(c) Take off his clothes
(d) Get to his bed

11. What does Hump do while Brewster sleeps?
(a) Goes for a swim
(b) Mans the tiller
(c) Reads
(d) Watches her

12. Who joins Brewster and Larsen for breakfast?
(a) Death Larsen
(b) Harrison
(c) All the hunters
(d) Hump

13. What does Hump spend the next day doing?
(a) Sleeping
(b) Kedging the ship
(c) Making a truce with Larsen
(d) Making more shears

14. What does Larsen think he has?
(a) A brain tumor
(b) The measles
(c) Cancer
(d) Leprosy

15. What does Hump do for the first time in many weeks at the end of the chapter?
(a) Plays marbles
(b) Has an initimate conversation
(c) Drinks clean, unsalty water
(d) Sleeps undercover

Short Answer Questions

1. What threatens to exhaust their ammunition before they have enough seal skin?

2. Which of the following does Brewster say about Larsen?

3. What do Brewster and Hump complete at the beginning of the chapter?

4. Where do Brewster and Hump put Larsen?

5. What does Hump find Larsen doing during the night?

(see the answer keys)

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