The Sea-Wolf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sea-Wolf Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long do Johnson and Leach pursue them for?
(a) Ten hours
(b) Three hours
(c) Four hours
(d) Two hours

2. Why is Larsen angry?
(a) The food is horrible
(b) He has a headache
(c) The ship has been blown off course
(d) Hump has taken Maud's attention away from him

3. Who does Larsen exclude from his table?
(a) Hump
(b) The seal hunters
(c) Everyone
(d) Brewster

4. Who does Hump recognize Maud Brewster as?
(a) A famous east coast poet
(b) His sister's friend
(c) A famous film star
(d) A famous model

5. What does Hump say Brewster's body is the finished product of?
(a) The finest artists
(b) Great minds
(c) The finest civilisation
(d) Two beautiful people

6. What does the narrator say Wolf Larsen dedicates himself to after the attempted mutiny?
(a) Reading the bible
(b) A life of sun and fun
(c) Hanging the guilty
(d) Making the sailor's lives a misery

7. What does the captain do while Leach and Johnson drown?
(a) He laughs
(b) He put on a bet on how long it will take
(c) He sails away
(d) He throws the two men life jackets

8. What desire does the narrator say he experiences for the first time?
(a) Love
(b) Murder
(c) Violence
(d) Lust

9. What does the narrator say knowing Larsen helps him understand?
(a) Scandinavian myths
(b) Hegel
(c) Cabin fever
(d) Nietzsche

10. Where are the life preservers stored?
(a) Below deck
(b) In the cabin
(c) In the rescue boats
(d) In the hold

11. What direction does the Ghost now follow?
(a) South
(b) Southeast
(c) North
(d) Northwest

12. When did Johansen last write to his mother?
(a) Two years ago
(b) Five years ago
(c) Eight years ago
(d) Ten years ago

13. What happens to Mugridge before they pull him back on board?
(a) He drowns
(b) A shark eats his feet
(c) He escapes
(d) The rope strangles him

14. What position does the captain give the narrator?
(a) First mate
(b) Second mate
(c) Cabin boy
(d) Cook

15. One does Hump say Larsen is a culmination of?
(a) All savagery
(b) All the hate in the world
(c) All honorable maidens
(d) The greatest loves

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say his task is during the slaughter of the seals?

2. How does the narrator describe Wolf Larsen's eyes?

3. What does the narrator say the stout gentlemen is reading?

4. What does Leach tell Hump to do?

5. What does the captain ask the hunters for?

(see the answer keys)

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