Scoundrel Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scoundrel Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Hellman return to America?
(a) The rise of McCarthyism.
(b) The end of World War II.
(c) The end of the Truman administration.
(d) During the depression.

2. After Hellman learned some German, what did she realize about her peers?
(a) They were all trying to come to America.
(b) They all hated her.
(c) There were a lot of anti-Semitic conversations.
(d) They thought they won the war.

3. Wills sees institutions like the House Committee as what?
(a) Common practice.
(b) One of a kind.
(c) Ocurring once a century.
(d) Occuring in every administration.

4. Hellman explains that, when it comes to a bad experience, what kind of person is she?
(a) She carries it with her forever.
(b) She doesn't hold grudges.
(c) She forgives, but never forgets.
(d) She soon forgets everything.

5. The House Committee was originally intended to test the loyalty of ______.
(a) Writers.
(b) Federal workers.
(c) Soldiers.
(d) United States citizens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Truman created the House Committee on _______ Activities.

2. What did the IRS do to Hammett's money?

3. Who joined the House Committee program soon after it started.

4. Abe Fortas expressed that he wanted what to happen at a hearing?

5. After the war, what governmental entity wanted to keep up their power?

Short Essay Questions

1. What would deem someone "guilty" to the House Committee?

2. How were the liberal Democrats convinced to support the House Committee and Blacklist?

3. What did Rauh find that could help Hellman's case? Why did she refuse to use this help?

4. In Hellman's opinion, what caused Communism to grow in popularity among Americans?

5. How was Hellman nearly unaffected by the depression?

6. How did Hellman receive a rude awakening after Hammett's imprisonment?

7. How were Hollywood producers under a lot of pressure during the McCarthy hearings?

8. How did Hellman plan to approach her testimony? Why did she plan to take this action?

9. Why did Hellman turn down the contract to write and produce four movies?

10. In the House Committee, how did measures progress after Hoover joined?

(see the answer keys)

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