Scorpions Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Scorpions Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Jamal think about working for after talking wih Mack?
(a) The school.
(b) The grocery store.
(c) The crack house.
(d) The A&P.

2. What annoying habit does Jamal's little sister have?
(a) Clappingher hands.
(b) Sucking her thumb.
(c) Tattling.
(d) Picking her nose.

3. What does Dwayne throw at Jamal at school?
(a) A lunch box.
(b) A book.
(c) A pencil.
(d) A rock.

4. Why is Jamal sent to the principal's office after his talk with Mack?
(a) Jumping down stairwells.
(b) Missing homework.
(c) Being late to school.
(d) Swearing in the halls.

5. What is the gun hidden in when the fight begins?
(a) A brown bag.
(b) A shoe.
(c) A duffle bag.
(d) A boxing glove.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Dwayne want to fight Jamal?

2. What is Jamal's last name?

3. What does Jamal do at his special place after he spends the school day in the principal's office?

4. Who also wants to own what Jamal wants to when they grow up?

5. What grade is Sassy in?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Randy want Jamal to talk to, and how does Mama feel about this?

2. Where does Jamal start walking after his fight with Dwayne, and who goes with him?

3. What is Jamal most mad at Randy for?

4. What kind of climate does Tito want to live in and why?

5. How much money does Mama need to raise at the beginning of the book, and what is it for?

6. How does Jamal feel when he gets home after his meeting with the Scorpions?

7. How does Mama plan to raise the money she says she needs at the beginning of the book?

8. What does Jamal do when the gang starts arguing about Jamal being the new leader of the gang?

9. What does Jamal think about as he goes home after talking to Mack?

10. Who does the principal blame for Jamal's tardiness and why?

(see the answer keys)

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