Scorpions Test | Final Test - Easy

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Scorpions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Randy now that he has been hurt?
(a) Still in prison.
(b) At the morgue.
(c) In the hospital.
(d) At the Sheriff's office.

2. Where does Jamal hide the gun?
(a) In the river.
(b) In a dumpster.
(c) In an abandoned werehouse.
(d) In an open car window.

3. Why does Mack say Indian and Angel were shot?
(a) They were beating on Jamal.
(b) They were trying to kick someone out of the gang.
(c) They were threatening to leave the gange.
(d) They were talking bad about Randy.

4. What does Mama choose to do instead of visiting Randy?
(a) Meet with the lawyers.
(b) Go to work.
(c) Sleep in.
(d) Go to church.

5. How was Randy hurt in prison?
(a) He was stabbed.
(b) He was shot.
(c) He was strangled.
(d) He was beat.

6. Who did Tito tell about what happened that night in the park?
(a) Abuela.
(b) His mother.
(c) Mr. Davidson.
(d) The police.

7. What do the Scorpions wear to Angel's funeral?
(a) Black shrouds.
(b) The gang colors.
(c) Their jackets.
(d) Angel wing necklaces.

8. Where does Indian like to hang out during the day?
(a) The Pizza Parlor.
(b) The Bodega.
(c) The crack house.
(d) Griff's Bar-B-Que.

9. Why does Jamal know something is wrong when he gets home after being fired?
(a) Sassy is sitting in the dark.
(b) The TV is not on.
(c) Mama is crying again.
(d) Mama is not home yet.

10. Why does Jamal say Tito saved his life?
(a) He was too afraid to fight.
(b) He could not have fought off both of them.
(c) Indian wanted him dead.
(d) Angel was going to stab him.

11. What does Tito do when he hears what Jamal would have done if Dwayne had pushed him?
(a) Cries.
(b) Laughs.
(c) Hits Jamal and yells at him.
(d) Runs away.

12. Why does Jamal sneak into Tito's house?
(a) So he can get some money.
(b) So he can get some of Tito's clothes.
(c) So he can leave Tito a letter.
(d) So he can take the gun back.

13. Why was Tito late meeting up with Jamal?
(a) He fell asleep.
(b) He was waiting for Abuela to go to sleep.
(c) He was looking for the gun.
(d) He was considering not coming.

14. Who does Jamal plan to give the gun to if the meeting goes well?
(a) Blood.
(b) Mack.
(c) Indian.
(d) Angel.

15. Who does Mack say shot Indian and Angel?
(a) Blood.
(b) Mack.
(c) Tito.
(d) Jamal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jamal hope to be able to buy when he saves up his money?

2. Who does Mama bring to the house to pray for Randy?

3. What does Jamal buy for Tito before they meet with Indian?

4. What does the first Scorpion to see Jamal working buy?

5. Where is Mr. Davidson transferring Jamal?

(see the answer keys)

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