Saville Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saville Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Sheila's behavior toward Colin in Part 4, Chapter 19 is described in what way?

2. In Part 5, Chapter 25, what does Colin learn about Margaret?

3. In Part 4, Chapter 17, whom does Stafford introduce Colin to?

4. How does Colin interact with Stafford after he steals Margaret?

5. What surprise event happens to Steve in Part 5, Chapter 30?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Elizabeth and Colin argue about in Part 5, Chapter 29?

2. In Part 4, Chapter 19, what happens when Colin invites Sheila over to his house?

3. What does Margaret comment on after visiting the Savilles' house in Part 4, Chapter 22?

4. How does Colin feel about Stafford's decision for his future in Part 4, Chapter 20?

5. What happens during Colin's medical exam in Part 4, Chapter 23?

6. What happens when Colin asks Elizabeth what she'll do with her life in Part 5, Chapter 31?

7. How does Colin choose the university he wants to attend in Part 4, Chapter 20?

8. Summarize what happens at the train station when Colin finally leaves Saxton?

9. How does Colin feel when Steve is signed to a football team?

10. What happens when Colin goes out with Audrey for the first time?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The hut is an important place for Colin as a boy. Describe the hut and the activities the boys did when they were there. What purpose does the hut serve and why is it included in this novel?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the use of dialect in Saville. Why does the author use this dialect? How does it help to create the characters and the place in Saville? Is the dialect effective? How?

Essay Topic 3

Compare and contrast Colin to his brothers. Consider their aspirations, actions, and passions. How they are treated within the Saville family?

(see the answer keys)

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