Saville Test | Final Test - Easy

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Saville Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Colin feel about the flat Elizabeth moves into on her own?
(a) That it is small but suitable.
(b) That it is small and depressing.
(c) That it is the perfect size and has a good view.
(d) That it is probably too expensive for her.

2. In Part 4, Chapter 17, whom does Stafford introduce Colin to?
(a) Farm owners.
(b) Students at a different school.
(c) Opera singers.
(d) Two girls.

3. At the school where Colin teaches in Part 5, Chapter 25, what does the headmaster consider poetry to be?
(a) Unnecessary.
(b) A joke.
(c) Critical.
(d) Enrichment.

4. Why doesn't Colin serve in the military?
(a) He has flat feet.
(b) He is too old to join.
(c) He needs more college first.
(d) He doesn't go to the right office.

5. What does Ellen tell Colin about Steven in Part 5, Chapter 26?
(a) That Steven always means well.
(b) That Steven just isn't as smart as Colin.
(c) That Steven has never done Colin any harm.
(d) That Steven needs extra time in life.

6. What is Stafford's option other than attending Oxford?
(a) Join the military.
(b) Travel to the United States.
(c) Go to a university in Paris.
(d) Become a politician.

7. What does Colin ask Elizabeth about during their walk around the pond in Part 5, Chapter 28?
(a) Her husband divorcing her.
(b) Her family history.
(c) Her lawsuit against a cousin.
(d) Her moving to Saxton.

8. What job does Harry get in Part 4, Chapter 21?
(a) Plant manager.
(b) Supervisor.
(c) He becomes unemployed.
(d) Receptionist.

9. How does Elizabeth feel about her relationship with Colin?
(a) She feels they have a good chance.
(b) She feels that he is too stubborn.
(c) She feels that he is very mean.
(d) She feels they have little in common.

10. What makes Colin suspicious of Stafford's relationship with Margaret?
(a) They went to a dance together.
(b) She keeps his picture in her wallet.
(c) They drive off together in his car.
(d) He sends her presents.

11. Why does Colin lose his job at the school?
(a) For his lack of education.
(b) For his students' failing grades.
(c) For playing music.
(d) For being late.

12. After Colin and Elizabeth break up, what does Elizabeth say she wants for Colin?
(a) For him to make amends with his parents.
(b) For him to commit himself to a community.
(c) For him to find true love.
(d) For him to find a better job.

13. Whom does Elizabeth accuse Colin of being jealous of in Part 5, Chapter 29?
(a) Richard.
(b) Steve.
(c) Harry.
(d) Stafford.

14. What does Mr. Gannon recommend Colin do at college?
(a) Study engineering.
(b) Get a teaching credential.
(c) Learn Latin.
(d) Study abroad.

15. In Part 5, Chapter 25, what does Colin learn about Margaret?
(a) That she is moving to Germany.
(b) That she broke up with Stafford.
(c) That she is going to law school.
(d) That she is engaged to Stafford.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Michael Reagan want to do for a living?

2. What does Michael begin to wear after his father's death?

3. In Part 4, Chapter 21, what does Colin say he is most interested in studying in college?

4. Where does Stephens usually take Colin on the back of his scooter after work?

5. What do Harry and Colin argue about in Part 4, Chapter 24?

(see the answer keys)

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