Sarah Kane: Complete Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sarah Kane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sarah Kane: Complete Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sarah Kane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ian eat before dying in Scene 5 of "Blasted"?
(a) The baby.
(b) Cate's ear.
(c) A cockroach.
(d) His breakfast.

2. What does Cate bring with her when she returns to the hotel in Scene 4 of "Blasted"?
(a) A baby.
(b) A dog.
(c) A homeless man.
(d) A sandwich.

3. What happens to Ian's eyes in "Blasted"?
(a) The soldier throws them out the window.
(b) The soldier eats them.
(c) The soldier flushes them down the toilet.
(d) The soldier stomps them into the carpet.

4. What does Ian do to quiet Cate from begging him not to answer the door in Scene 2 of "Blasted"?
(a) Covers her mouth with his hand.
(b) Holds a gun to her head.
(c) Covers her head with a pillow.
(d) Puts a knife to her throat.

5. Where is the hotel room in which "Blasted" takes place?
(a) Warsaw, Poland.
(b) Barcelona, Spain.
(c) Rome, Italy.
(d) Leeds, England.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Sarah Kane born?

2. Where are Graham and Tinker in Scene 1 of "Cleansed"?

3. Who was Hippolytus' former lover in "Phaedra's Love"?

4. When was Sarah Kane born?

5. What does Hippolytus tell Phaedra will happen if they sleep together in Scene 4 of "Phaedra's Love"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Ian's principle objective in Scene 1 of "Blasted"? What tactics does he employ?

2. What does Strophe reveal happened to Phaedra in Scene 5 of "Phaedra's Love"? How does Hippolytus respond?

3. What conversation takes place between Ian and Cate when they first arrive at the hotel in "Blasted"?

4. What is Sarah Kane's purpose in showing such graphic violence in "Blasted"?

5. Who visits Hippolytus in Scene 6 of "Phaedra's Love"? What does Hippolytus tell him?

6. What is the symbolic and thematic center of "Cleansed"?

7. Who breaks into the hotel room in Scene 2 of "Blasted"? What does he do?

8. What takes place in the opening of Scene 2 of "Blasted"? How much time elapsed from Scene 1?

9. What does Strophe tell Hippolytus when she enters in Scene 5 of "Phaedra's Love"? What is his response?

10. Why does Phaedra consult a doctor about Hippolytus in Scene 2 of "Phaedra's Love"?

(see the answer keys)

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