Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Final Test - Hard

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Final Test - Hard

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Until the fourth floor, around what are the many kinds of love centered?

2. What does the tiger do?

3. With what does Dan struggle as they are walking along the cliff?

4. What does Dan feel?

5. If Dan fails in the task Mama Chia gives him, what will happen?

Short Essay Questions

1. What task does Mama Chia give Dan and how does he handle it?

2. Who does Dan meet and what does he advice Dan to do about the bullies?

3. How does Mama Chia explain the Tower of Seven Floors?

4. Does Dan change his mind about the settlement? How?

5. What does Dan say about himself at the beginning of chapter 13, and what do you think he means?

6. To whom does Mama Chia want Dan to be grateful and what does that mean?

7. How does Mama Chia answer Dan's question about having money and supporting his family?

8. How does the level at which Dan is in this section manifest in sexual energy?

9. How does Mama Chia say shape shifting works and explain what you think she means.

10. What happens with Dan and the punks and do you think it will have significance later?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Mama Chia leads Dan to a village of people suffering from leprosy. Discuss the following:

What is Dan's initial reaction to his "assignment" from Mama Chia? Why?

How and why does Dan's attitude eventually change? Does the change seem sincere?

What do you think is the purpose of this situation in which Mama Chia places Dan?

How do you think you would handle a similar situation?

Essay Topic 2

While Millman is in India, he does many of the things Westerners seems to do when they are searching in the Near East for "enlightenment." Discuss the following:

What are some of the activities in which Dan participates in his travels in India?

Why do you think the things Dan does in India do not seem to bring him the results for which he is hoping?

Why do you think many Westerners see India/Nepal/Tibet as places where they can find a spiritual path/enlightenment?

Essay Topic 3

Once Dan has found Ruth Johnson, she gives him a note with some instructions. Discuss the following:

Do you think Dan is wise to blindly follow the note which has him do something that is quite foolhardy?

Given that Dan later learns that he lost part of the note and he was supposed to take food, water and sunscreen, do you think if he had had the complete set of instructions from the beginning he would have been justified in following the path he chooses?

There is a aphorism, "no pain, no gain." Does this saying apply in Dan's experience with the surfboard?

(see the answer keys)

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